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30th October 2024 | New ESG Dashboard in Insights and better Headcount filtering; SEPA file encryption, and more

Serena Santamaria avatar
Written by Serena Santamaria
Updated over 4 months ago

Hello Indigo users,

With all the boys and ghouls 🧟‍♀️ hitting the streets for trick-or-treating this week, we thought it the perfect time to share our latest sweetness from the bubbling Indigo cauldron: the all-new ESG Dashboard in People Insights!

Now you can manage your company's Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) efforts from one sleek dashboard, supported with some spooky-good updates throughout our Payroll & Leave product—like new settings to help you track situations specific to ESG.

Our latest enhancements to Performance Management bring some handy updates to Objectives. Now, you can create objectives from multiple screens, with the default assigned employee automatically set based on the screen you're using.

You know that's not the end of it! ⬇️

🌟 Feature Spotlight 🌟

ESG Dashboard 📊 in People Insights

The new ESG dashboard helps you focus on the social aspect of your ESG reporting. By gathering all the pertinent data from across your company, condensing it into clear statistics and presenting them in easy-to-understand visuals, our dashboard helps you simplify your ESG reporting efforts while saving precious time. ⌚

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • Any modification made to an existing Penalty or Reward in the Attendance module is saved as expected. By getting rid of the ever-spinning loading icon, these simple changes will stop spinning you right round like a record. 💿

  • The Device Name column now shows its value in Presence.

  • The generated Clocking Details report has a polished look with the expected spacing between the lines.

  • When you click on the Daily Records tab, the Target Attendance Allocation window does not expand beyond its expected size.

  • You can select a new device as required when importing Clocking data, as the fields in the Tracking device and format window—along with their content—are displaying neatly, regardless of the screen size you use.

Device Manager

  • You can more comfortably consult the Linked Device Users and My Devices grids respectively in the Work Zones and Device Activity sections. A horizontal scrollbar was added to the mentioned grids to facilitate the process on smaller sized screens.


  • Need to assign a shift pattern to multiple employees? Do not fret! 😌 In one take, you can now pick the day you wish the pattern to start from for the desired employees. The Offset Starting Day checkbox will always be available for you to tick for this purpose.

Insights Enhancements

  • Quickly filter values in the Headcount dropdown with the new ability to select them all, then deselecting any unneeded options—just like the Department and Cost Centre filters on the top right of the page.

Insights Fixes and Improvements

  • If you navigate to the Summary dashboard, the age brackets in the Headcount by Age Bracket chart are displayed in ascending order.

Payroll & Leave Enhancements

  • You can now enable encryption for your SEPA files in Payroll Settings by ticking the PGP encryption checkbox and pasting an externally generated public key into the designated field. This secures the file during sFTP transmission, enabling recipients to decrypt it with their private key—and enjoy all that Indigo-grade security goodness. 💯

  • It's now easier to call all hands on deck during those hot periods thanks to the new Restricted Days Selection Type dropdown in Settings > Payroll. With it, you can now setup the environment where you can select multiple Departments, Cost Centres or Occupations when creating Restricted Days entries, perfect for easily aligning all of them.

  • A number of new settings have been added to features across Indigo to help you monitor specific ESG situations involving your employees. These settings include:

    • Reasons of Termination: two new columns, Voluntary and ESG Classification.

    • Leave Types: ESG Classification dropdown.

    • Employees: a Has Disability checkbox under Personal Details.

Performance Management Enhancements

  • We've worked hard to enhance the Objectives user experience. Now, you can create objectives from multiple screens, with the default assignee set based on where you create them. If you start from your personal screen, you’ll be the default assignee. From the Team or Employees sections, the selected employee will be assigned by default.

Performance Management Fixes and Improvements

  • Errors that were previously preventing you from linking an objective to an existing review have had a stern talk with HR and have been dealt with accordingly. 👩‍💼

  • We've maximised how accurate you can be when creating key results for your objectives, as negative values are now allowed for both the Start Value and Target Value fields.

  • Thanks to some fine-tuning, the text for the Size dropdown in the Create a Question window is looking less blurry.

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