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Device Activity in Device Manager

Consult and process your devices' activities in bulk ๐Ÿ“š via Device Activity

Serena Santamaria avatar
Written by Serena Santamaria
Updated over a month ago

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Similar to the Activity section in My Devices, the Device Activity page allows you to consult the list of the activities but for multiple devices at the same time. You can also bulk Search, Reprocess and Delete activities as well as Export them to Excel.

My Devices

The list of all the devices under your tenant is displayed in a grid in the My Devices section. Here you are able to consult their Serial Number, the Devices Model (both miniature image and Model name), their Description (how you named them), the Work Zone they are linked to, their Location, the Activity Status ('Active' or 'Inactive'), and the Device Status ('Online' or 'Offline').

You can filter the grid columns by using the designated button on the top right corner, as well as refreshing the columns content by selecting the Refresh ๐Ÿ”„ button right next to it.


If you tick the devices' checkbox from the 'My Devices' grid, input a time frame (From/To date/hour selectors), and click on Search, the devices' related activities will show up in the Activity section's grid.

Other three buttons are available above the grid along with the Search one mentioned above

Button Name


Reprocess Activities

Use it to reprocess activities in bulk after ticking their checkboxes from the grid

Delete Activities

Click on this button once you selected the activities you want to delete in bulk

Export to Excel

It allows you to export the grid content in Excel format

The activities details are spread over nine columns

Column name



Serial Number

The device Serial Number related to the activity


Device Description

The name you gave to the device


Activity Code

An automatically generated id for that specific activity


Created On

The date and time when the activity has been created



Whenever an action is taken from Device Manager, an Activity line is generated. Below all the available Activity Types.

  • User

  • Delete User

  • Clocking

  • Biometric

  • Get User Info

  • Get BioData

  • Delete Biometric

  • Update Device Wallpaper

  • Command

  • Reboot Device


It tells you whether the data is moving from the device to Indigo or vice versa

  • Outgoing: activity coming out from Indigo to the device.
    โ€‹Incoming: activity coming from the device to Indigo


It informs you about the progress of the activity processing

  • Pending

  • In Progress

  • Success

  • Fail


It displays a short error summary if an activity fails


Action buttons

They allow you to read the activity details and its related errors, reprocess and delete it, line by line

  • Information button โ„น๏ธ

  • Error buttonโ—

  • Reprocess Activity button ๐Ÿ”„

  • Delete Activity button ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ

Action buttons {left it to see whether it is better with collapsible}

  • Information button โ„น๏ธ : It shows the 'Request Body' that was sent to the device, along with a summary of the activity details on the left of the window.

  • Error buttonโ—: It shows in red and it allows to open a window showing the error message in full, if the activity fails. On all the other cases it stays greyed out.

  • Reprocess activity button ๐Ÿ”„: It can be mainly used to reprocess failed clocking activities after amending what prompted the error. It is available for every single activity line, and it launches only that specific activity reprocessing.

  • Delete Activity button ๐Ÿ—‘๏ธ: Use it to delete wrongly triggered activities while they are in 'Pending' status. Once deleted, just process a brand new one, if needed.





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