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14th November 2024 | New landing page for Performance Management; New Preview button in HR for files; Nordea joins our SEPA file library, and more

Matthew Calleja avatar
Written by Matthew Calleja
Updated over 4 months ago

Hello Indigo users,

This update, a number of our features have enjoyed a refreshing πŸ‚ breeze of efficiency, including a more streamlined Nationality donut chart in Benchmarks, a new Preview πŸ‘οΈ button for files across HR and improved payroll processing for employees with reduced fixed hours in Attendance.

By the way... if you've been following our release notes, you've likely heard about our newish Performance Management product... Remember reading about Objectives recently? 🎯 If you're curious to learn more, just click the Performance Management tab in the Indigo dashboard. The new landing page has everything you need to get started.

Snuggle up and explore the update for yourself. ⬇️

Attendance Enhancements

  • Got employees with reduced fixed hours? Great newsβ€”we’ve fine-tuned the system to make payroll processing smoother! Now, extra basic hours on unscheduled days will be handled just like regular hours, hassle-free. 🍷

    • This only applies to employees with work schedules set between 1 and 40 hours per week, so please ensure that's correctly configured on your end. πŸ™

Benchmarks Enhancements

  • For a sweeter, 🍩 more efficient experience, only the five most relevant nationalities will be visible at a glance in the Nationality donut chart.

    • "And what about this or that minority?" Don't worry, you will still be able to to see all nationalities if you open the chart in full screen!

HR Enhancements

  • Take just a peek at PDFs, images and text files using our new Preview button in Document Manager, Skills & Training and Task Management, right before saying 'I do' πŸ’ and committing to download.

Insights Enhancements

  • Names in the Actual Leave Taken[...] chart are now displaying in the correct case, no longer appearing in all capitals.

Payroll & Leave Enhancements

  • A SEPA file has been setup for Nordea.

  • We have started including the employment date to the Employee Salary Package screen.

Payroll & Leave Fixes and Improvements

  • In the Leave Audit, the General option has been removed from the Leave Group field.

  • We’ve straightened out some capitalisation inconsistencies that were affecting data imports across Payroll.

Performance Management Enhancements

  • Clicking on Performance Management in the Indigo dashboard without a license will now take you to the product's dedicated landing page, where you'll find everything you need to get started with our powerful feedback tool.

  • We've upgraded the way you can customise your key results, making it easier than ever to present them like a pro! πŸ’ͺ

    • Type in values instead of just clicking the + and - buttons.

    • Copy and paste your favourite titles into the Name field.

  • Stay on top of your objectives by keeping an eye on our two revamped percentage types for your Key Results:

    • Completion % (up to 100%): Shows the percentage of key results needed to close the Objective.

    • Progress % (can exceed 100%): Displays the actual progress on key results within the objective.

Performance Management Fixes and Improvements

  • Users with the HR admin role that aren't linked to a specific team in the Organisation Chart can still join in on the Performance Management fun! 🎈 They now have access to the product just like anyone else with this role, even though they won't have a Team tab.

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