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5th September 2017


Chris Agius avatar
Written by Chris Agius
Updated over a week ago


  • Added support for employee probation periods, and included probation period dates in system calendars - Read more.

  • Added support for temporary work permits, and included work permit expiry dates in system calendars - Read more.

  • Payslips can now be downloaded in bulk for a particular roll as a ZIP file - Read more.

  • Added the possibility to CC email address when sending approved email, and a setting to include the parent authoriser in copy, when sending approved leave confirmation email - Read more.

  • Added a "My Staff" Leave Balances Widget, allowing managers to view leave balances of staff reporting to them (according to the Organisational Chart) - Read more.

  • Added a smart search function in the maximized "Out of Office" Widget - Read more.

  • Enhanced the smart search function for calendar entries by including Department and Cost Centre searches - Read more.

  • Added an option to remove zero balances in the leave situation report - Read more.

  • Included "Leave Groups" as a grouping option in the leave situation report - Read more.

  • Added an option to delete a generated FS5 for a specific month - Read more.

  • Added options to group by Location, Occupation, Cost Center & Payroll in the Payroll Report.

  • Added support for second level grouping in the Payroll Report.


  • The Payroll maternity leave fund is now shown in the Payroll Costs Dashboard

  • SSC for Employees is now correctly shown on the Payroll Detailed Export report.

  • The print date and time is now correctly shown on reports.

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