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Pro-Rata Leave Entitlement

Using the Pro Rata Leave Entitlement Utility

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over 11 months ago

Pro-Rata Leave Entitlement is generally required for employees that work less than normal hours, or with hourly rates (irregular hours). It is worth mentioning that hours are assigned to Work Schedule Profiles, from the Details tab.

Firstly, Pro-Rata Leave will be worked on the full Leave Entitlement to be assigned to full timers. In the below example, Pro-Rata Leave will be worked on 200 hours for VAC18.

Secondly, Pro-Rata Leave is calculated on appropriate Work Schedule Profiles, in particular those with "Pro-Rata Leave Entitlement" and "Pro-Rata on Extra Hours Only" ticked.

  • With ONLY Pro-Rata Leave Entitlement checked, Pro-Rata Leave will be calculated for ALL hours worked by an employee. This should be used for those that work irregular hours, and hence which do not have ANY leave assigned to them.

  • With BOTH Pro-Rata Leave Entitlement and Pro-Rata on Extra Hours Only checked, Pro-Rata Leave will be calculated on any extra hours worked above the employee's normal schedule.

The Utility can be accessed from Payroll and Leave > Utilities > Pro Rata Leave Entitlements.

Select whether you would like to pay-off or add the leave to an entitlement. For this purpose, we are going to select to Update the Entitlement. Next, select the Leave Type to be updated.

Next, select the date up till which leave is to be calculated on in the Date To dropdown.

If required, the Date From dropdown will become available. This will most likely happen the first time that you use this utility. It is VITALLY important to enter this date correctly, as future calculations will consider all new entries from this date onward.

Multiple Entitlement Updates or Pay Offs can be added by using the + Add button at the top. Each entry can be removed by clicking on the X at the top of each entry.

Once ready, click Preview. Note that the highlighted employee below has an amount of hours and equivalent payoff amount calculated based on the extra hours worked. 

Basic hours need to be entered in a payroll within the specified date, and the employee needs to be calculated. The payroll does not have to be finalised. Clicking on the number of comments at the right will display all relevant information to the calculation.

Comments can be closed by clicking on the "X" at the top right side of the comment box. The blue indicator at the top of the screen will indicate that the calculation is still in preview mode.

  • Clear will clear the preview screen, allowing updating of any settings.

  • Generate will process the Entitlement Update. Once generated, the blue notifier will change to green, indicating that the report has been generated, and Entitlements have been updated.

For Entitlement Updates, the Pay Off Amount is ignored, and vice-versa for Pay Offs, the Entitlement Amount is ignored. It is important to note that once leave has been calculated and updated or paid off, it cannot be calculated again, even if the same date range is used.

For Pay Offs, the process is the same as above, however the appropriate unfinalised pay roll must be selected prior to clicking Preview. In this case, the system will add the Pay Off Amount to the employee's pay items for that roll.

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