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Exporting Grid Data

Exporting Grid Data from Indigo Payroll to Excel

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over a week ago

Shireburn Indigo Payroll allows data to be exported to Excel® spreadsheets (Note that this feature is only available on certain screens. When this is the case, the Export button will be visible as shown below).

  1. Locate the Export button in the current grid (in this case, we are using the Employees screen).

  2. The following window will pop-up. Adjust the settings as needed.

    1. Current View Filter: Checking this box will export the data in the grid which is available when using the grid filter.

    2. File Name & Description: What you would like the file name and description to be.

    3. Column Selector (X): Select which columns you would like to be available in the export. The number in the brackets shows the number of columns selected.

    4. Clicking Show Advanced Options will display the following settings:

    5. Excel Sheet Name: Change the sheet name in which the exported data will be displayed

    6. Create Header Row: Checking this box will populate the first row of the sheet with the column titles.

  3. Once done, click on Export.

Generate Template is used for importing data.

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