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Postman and Indigo

We have two Postman collections to help you get started with Indigo APIs.

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

To help you get started with Indigo APIs, we've created two Postman collections that make authentication and API calls easy. Postman is a REST client that provides an intuitive user interface to send requests, save responses, add tests, and create workflows.

Indigo supports two methods of calling the APIs:

  • Method 1 – The first method is making a first one-time call to Indigo’s Authentication APIs (Request Token, Access Token and Open API Key APIs) to get the required Azure Subscription Key and Indigo API Key automatically from Indigo. These will then be required by any subsequent API call.

  • Method 2 – The second method is by manually getting the API Key from Indigo and the Azure Subscription Key from the API Developers portal and utilize them whenever you make an API call.

To get started, use the buttons provided per method below and follow the steps:

Method 1

Steps to get up and running:

1. Click the button below to download the Postman Indigo Get Employees Method 1 collection and Indigo environment files.

2. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file and launch Postman. From the File menu, select Import....

From the Import screen, click on the Choose Files button and select the two JSON files unzipped from the downloaded ZIP file. This will import the Indigo collection together with the environment.

3. Set up a Microsoft Azure Subscription Key in Indigo.

The Microsoft Azure API subscription keys can be setup from the Azure Integration setting within the Indigo portal's System Settings page. Details of how to subscribe to a product and get the Azure subscription API key can be found in this article.

4. Select the Indigo environment.
Select Indigo from the environment dropdown menu in Postman.

5. Add your company code, Indigo username, and password to the Indigo environment variables in Postman.

Set Indigo’s company code, username, and password into the CompanyCode, IndigoUserName, and IndigoPassword environment variables, respectively, in Postman.

6. Make a one-time call to get your request token.

Hit Send on the GET Request Token call in Postman. This will return a JSON object containing request_token

In the response section go to the Test Results tab and you will get a confirmation message that the request_token value has been assigned to Postman Indigo Environment RequestToken variable.

7. Make a one-time call to get your access token.

Hit Send on the GET Access Token call in Postman. This will return a JSON object containing access_token based on the previous request_token value.

In the response section go to the Test Results tab and you will get a confirmation message that the access_token value has been assigned to Postman Indigo Environment AccessToken variable.

8. Make a one-time call to get your open API key.

Hit Send on the POST Open API Key call in Postman. This will return a JSON object containing openApiKey, azurePrimarySubscriptionApiKey, and azureSecondarySubscriptionApiKey based on the previous access_token value.

In the response section go to the Test Results tab and you will get a confirmation message that the openApiKey and azurePrimarySubscriptionApiKey values have been assigned to Postman Indigo Environment OpenAPIKey and Subscription variables, respectively.

9. Make your first API call!

Click Send on the GET All Indigo Employees request to make your first API call.

Method 2

Steps to get up and running:

1. Click the button below to download the Postman Indigo Get Employees Method 2 collection and Indigo files.

2. Unzip the downloaded ZIP file and launch Postman. From the File menu, select Import….

From the Import screen, click on the Choose Files button and select the two JSON files unzipped from the downloaded ZIP file. This will import the Indigo collection together with the environment.

3. Select the Indigo environment.

Select Indigo from the environment dropdown menu in Postman.

4. Add your company code, Azure subscription API Key, and Indigo APIKey to the Indigo environment variables in Postman.

Set Indigo’s company code, Azure subscription API Key, and Indigo API Key into the CompanyCode, Subscription-key, and OpenAPIKey environment variables, respectively, in Postman. Details of how to subscribe to a product and get the Azure subscription API key can be found in this article.

Details of how to obtain an open API key in Indigo can be found in this article.

5. Make your first API call!

Click Send on the GET All Indigo Employees request to make your first API call.

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