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Indigo's default password policy and customising your own policy
Indigo's default password policy and customising your own policy

Indigo allows you to customise your own password policy according your company's requirements

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

The initial password established for new users to access system services are temporary and the new users are required to immediately change their password at the point of first login before they utilise the system. 

Passwords need to conform to the following standards:

  • Length: at least 8-character in length.

  • Minimum of one upper case characters (A through Z).

  • Lower case characters (a through z).

  • Numeric characters (0 through 9).

  • Special characters; e.g. ! “ £ $ % ^ & * ( ) + = - _ < >.

The password management system will prompt the employees to change all user-level passwords every 90 days to ensure that all passwords are changed regularly. New passwords must be different from the previous one.

Three consecutive incorrect attempts to login shall cause the system to display a CAPTCHA. 

Customising your own password policy

You can customise your own password policy for your Indigo system, including the minimum length, number of upper- and lowercase letters, digits, symbols, expiry dates, and whether to disallow certain words.

To customise your own password policy:

  1. Go to Administration > Main > Password Policies

  2. Click on Insert (plus icon) in the functions bar.

  3. Enter the requirements of your password policy.

  4. Click on Save in the functions bar.

  5. To make the password policy your active policy, click on the Set Active Password Policy button in the functions bar.

  6. If you do not require a minimum for any of the fields, set the field to zero (0).

  • Code: enter a code to identify the password policy in your system.

  • Min. Password Repeat Interval: set the minimum amount of times a user can repeat a password when logging in.

  • Min. Password Length: set the minimum length of the password users should create.

  • Min. Uppercase Letters: set the minimum number of uppercase letters that should be used in a password.

  • Min. Lowercase Letters: set the minimum number of lowercase letters that should be used in a password.

  • Min. Number of Digits: set the minimum number of digits that should be used in a password.

  • Min. Number of Symbols: set the minimum numbers of symbols (! “ £ $ % ^ & * ( ) + = - _ < >) that should be used in a password.

  • Expiry (Days): set the number of days in which user password will expire.

  • Disallowed Words: enter particular words not permitted to be used in a password.

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