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9th March 2020

Indigo | Enhancements to Payroll and Time & Attendance, and new APIs

Written by Walter Psaila
Updated over a week ago

Payroll Enhancements

  • Further security enhancements has been applied to the portal's authentication mechanism to protect from malicious access.

  • Payroll finalization process has been significantly optimized and will result in much better performance.

  • A new reporting option has been added to the Payroll totals report allowing reallocation of cost by cost centre.

Payroll Fixes

  • When importing leave system is now deducting leave according to the priority and if the first priority leave is taken up, it is now taking leave from the next leave type by priority order.

  • Total hours in payslip is now displaying the actual total amount of hours worked by the employee terminated during the payslip's roll period. The total will reflect actual amount worked until termination date rather than 173.33.

  • Applicant lookup within the payroll leave application screen is now remaining responsive after the first search for the same applicant.

  • Year 2019 is now being shown in the Year selection drop-down within the Electronic Lodgement form.

  • Both hours and days values within payslips are now displayed with a maximum of 2 decimal places.

  • Issue with payslip report taxable gross amount not tallying with the total of Basic, Leave and Adjustments is now resolved.

  • An issue was resolved with the leave accruals report where incorrect figures were generated for employees working 12 hour days due to a caching issue.

  • A rounding issue in the basic pay value in the calculation screen when calculations also included leave hours has been addressed.

  • Written off leave hours are now also being taken into consideration as consumed leave hours in the leave accruals report.

  • We have addressed the issue where the scroll bar was not visible in the leave approvals screen.

T&A Enhancements

  • New Scheduled Hours Validation report has been added to the T&A module allowing payroll users to compare the T&A scheduled hours of an employee against the employee's work schedule profile working hours.

  • New Late Arrival/Early Departure report has been added to the T&A module allowing payroll users to report late arrivals or early departures (or both).

  • Send to Payroll process has been significantly optimized and will result in much better performance.

  • Allocations that have not been sent to payroll can now be deleted from the Attendance Exception screen.

T&A Fixes

  • The generate button for Daily Manning and Labour Planning reports is now being shown.

  • When adding a new Shift Preset timing of type Attendance Flexitime, the system is now suppressing users to save the entry even when no Work Time Amount has been supplied.

  • When having an employee which is not using the Reallocation Profile but has the Allocation by Cost Centre, the SSC Contributions, Maternity Leave Amount & Maternity Leave Fund Contribution are no longer being repeated for every Cost Centre that has been used for the employee in the reported payroll.

  • Issue with discrepancy between entitlement and balance for TOIL leave initially created through 'Send To Payroll' is now resolved.

New APIs

  • Banks Update

  • Cost Centers Insert

  • Cost Centers Update

  • Countries Insert

  • Countries Update

  • Holidays List Insert

  • Holidays List Update

  • Leave Calendar Views Read

  • Leave Calendar Views Update

  • Leave Calendar Views Insert

  • Leave Entitlement Profiles Update

  • Leave Entitlement Profiles Insert

  • Locations Insert

  • Locations Update

  • Occupations Update

  • Occupations Insert

  • Sections Update

  • Sections Insert

  • Units Update

  • Units Insert

  • Work Schedule Profiles Insert

  • Work Schedule Profiles Update

  • Work Schedule Profile Details Insert

  • Work Schedule Profile Details Update

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