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The Attendance Reconciliation report

This report lets you reconcile employee attendance for a particular period based on the allocations made in your system.

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a year ago

The Attendance Reconciliation report allows you to reconcile employee attendance for a particular period of time based on the allocations done within Attendance. The report can be generated in summary or in detail.

Note: that the report considers both declared break time and undeclared break time (as in dynamic breaks).

  • Date From/Date To: enter the date range for this report.

  • Summary only: check this box if you want the report to be generated as a summary only. A summary will only display the report groups' totals without displaying the shift attendance details.

  • Show allocated time: check this box to show allocated excess and allocated absence entries, along with corresponding totals, in the report.

  • Show employees with: choose whether to show all employees in your report, or whether to show those with positive, negative, or no differences in their allocations.

  • Time format: choose how you want time to be represented in the report.

  • Subcontracted employees only: check this box if you only want to include sub-contracted employees in the report.

  • Exclude pending leave records: check this box if you want to exclude pending leave records in your system from the report.

  • Exclude Excess Time in Difference: check this option if you want the report exclude Excess Time when calculating the Difference column.

  • Deduct difference of leave from shift on same day: tick if you want to deduct the difference of leave from a shift on the same day as the leave application.

  • Sort order: choose to order employees in your report by their code or their full name.

  • Grouping: choose how you want to group employees, by levels including Cost Centre, Department, Section, Unit and Location.

If you want Indigo to remember the settings for this report for future uses, check the Remember generated report settings at the bottom of the report setup panel.


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