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Bulk Import of Basic Hour Entries

Importing your Basic Hour entries using Excel for a particular Payroll

Nigel Pace avatar
Written by Nigel Pace
Updated over a year ago

Importing Basic Hour entries

On Indigo, you can import all of your pay item entries for a specific payroll using Excel

  1. Go to Payroll & Leave > Main > Payrolls.

  2. Highlight the payroll you want to import the basic hours into and then click the Basic Hours tab on the top right.

  3. Press the Export Button from the Toolbar and click Generate Template.

  4. Open the template and you will find the following columns, some of which are required while others are optional.

Below you will find a glossary of all the columns.


  • PayRollCode: Here you will input the current payroll code.

  • EmployeeCode: The employee code must be input here.

  • Code: This column is used for telling the system that this is a new record. This should be filled in as *AUTO*.

  • NumberOfHours: Input the number of basic hours you want to give to this employee here.

  • Date: Input the date of when the basic hours are to be given here.


  • CostCentreCode: In this column you must enter the Cost Centre which the overtime will be assigned to. If left empty, the system will assign the default Cost Centre of the employee.

  • HourlyRate: A manual hourly rate can be input here, if left empty the system till take the hourly rate from the employee's basic pay field.

Once the pay items are input and saved, you can start importing your entries: go back to Indigo and press the import button, then upload your file. If everything is correct, the overtime should be uploaded to your system and will be ready for calculation.

More about Bulk Imports

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