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16th December 2021 | Increased security, report changes, a new notifications icon, new APIs, and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Season's greetings! πŸŽ„

For our final update in 2021, the team brings you a bundle of betterments to boost you into the New Year.

From security to permissions, reports new and amended, and small but mighty visual changes, we are sure you will find this update interesting.

Keep reading to see what's new.

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  • We have heightened security measures against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.

  • The User Roles & Permissions report in the Administration section has been improved in a variety of ways:

    • Page orientation has been switched to Landscape;

    • There is a new column titled 'Status';

    • The column order has been changed;

    • A new option to 'Group by' has been added.

  • A new Administration report called Permission Set Rights has been added that allows Admins to review assigned permission sets per user. It has to be enabled with the permission set Foundation_PermissionSetRightsReportPermission.

  • The notifications icon across Indigo has had a facelift and is now a bell instead of a flag:

Payroll Enhancements

  • The Payroll description has been added to most Payroll reports when reporting on one specific payroll.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • When processing Leave, the system now gives an error when overlapping requests are resubmitted using the 'Resubmit' button.

  • Calculations are running as intended when creating a Pay Item as a Multiplier on a Pay Group.

Time and Attendance Enhancements

  • We have carried out several minor formatting changes to the Allocation Return report for improved clarity.

  • We have added two new options to the Employee Schedule report as per below screenshot. Please note the report is now available in PDF when running for up to seven days, and the page break per grouping option applies only to this format.

Time and Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • The 'Save' button in Shift Presets, Rewards, and Penalties functions as intended when making changes to the Employee Groups modal.

  • When importing the Budget file, the import message now reads 'Budgeting Import' instead of 'Excel Data Import'.


  • There are two newly exposed APIs available for consumption: CreatePayItemForEmployee, and UpdatePayItemForEmployee. These APIs allow our users to integrate employee-agreed pay items retrieved from third party systems.

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