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Daily Attendance

Setting up and Using Daily Attendance Profiles

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a year ago

What is Daily Attendance for Non-Scheduler Employees?

Daily Attendance calculates attendance on a daily basis for employees that do not need to be included in the Scheduler. The calculation takes into consideration leave, excess, rewards, and penalties. It also allows the user to compare projected daily attendance with actual daily attendance for such employees.

Please note that night shifts are not supported for non-scheduler employees in Daily Attendance.

Employee Configuration

Before creating a Daily Attendance Profile we must first ensure that the employees to be assigned to it are configured correctly. This ensures that their Daily Attendance Exceptions calculations will be based on their Work Schedule Profile, which is found in the 'Work schedule' field under Employment Details as highlighted below.

To assign the correct configuration for Daily Attendance:

  1. Go to HR > Employees.

  2. Select the employee to be configured and click the form view.

  3. Scroll down to the Attendance Details section.

  4. Set 'Daily Attendance Type' to Work Schedule Profile.

  5. Click Save.

Daily Attendance Profiles

You can find the icon for this feature via Attendance > Setup.

When accessing this page to set up Daily Attendance Profiles for the first time, you will see this message:

If you are not ready to create your first Daily Attendance Profile, select 'I'll do this later', which will close the popup and take you back to Indigo. If you are ready to go ahead, click 'Start'.

Profile Setup

The first step in setting up a Daily Attendance Profile is to fill in the basic details.

  • Code: enter an identifying code here. This will help you identify it at a glance when the description is not present. The code cannot be changed once the profile is created.

  • Description: enter a basic description here. This will serve as the profile's name.

  • Negative Tolerance: assign a grace time to exceptions before the shift.

  • Positive Tolerance: assign a grace time to exceptions after the shift.

  • Earliest Clocking In: the earliest clocking in time employees are allowed. Any clocking before this time will not be included in the daily attendance exception, as it is technically unauthorised excess. This explanation is available by clicking on the tooltip.

  • Latest Clocking Out: the latest clocking out time employees are allowed. Any clocking out after this time will not be included in the daily attendance exception, as it is technically unauthorised excess. This explanation is available by clicking on the tooltip.

  • Max. Shift Hours: the maximum shift hours the employee can work. Any attendance above this amount will be treated as excess in the daily attendance exception. This explanation is available by clicking on the tooltip.

  • Switches:

    • when activated, the first switch deducts the break from unscheduled attendance.

    • The second switch should be activated when you want the system to consider only the earliest and latest clockings in the attendance exceptions calculations.

Once you have configured the settings to your requirements, click Save. This will take you to the list of Daily Attendance Profiles, where your newly created profile will be listed in the grid.

Grid Options

  • Refresh: refreshes the grid.

  • Filter: opens filters in each column.

  • Search: searches all entries in the grid for key words.

  • File: menu containing action options, currently only 'New Profile' is available but more will be added eventually as needed.

  • Settings: the list of columns available in the grid.

    • Code: unique identifying code.

    • Description: the Profile description.

    • Negative Tolerance: the amount of time, if any, to be ignored by the system before registering absence.

    • Positive Tolerance: the amount of time, if any, to be ignored by the system before registering excess.

    • Maximum Shift Hours: used only for hourly pay and acts as a limit on ordinary attendance for a shift. Anything over and above this would be treated as excess time.

    • First and Last Clocking Only: shows whether this setting is on or off.

    • Earliest Clocking In: the earliest clocking time to count towards an employee's worked hours. Anything before this time will not be considered.

    • Latest Clocking Out: the latest clocking time to count towards an employee's worked hours. Anything after this time will not be considered.

    • Created On: date the profile was created.

    • Created By: which user created the profile.

    • Modified On: date the profile was last modified.

    • Modified By: which user last modified the profile.

Profile Entry Actions

At the far right of each profile entry are some actions that allow you to use the profile in different ways.

View Breaks: this icon loads the Daily Attendance Profiles Breaks grid, which lists all the breaks assigned to a particular profile. Create new breaks from here by clicking on File, or return to the Daily Attendance Profiles grid by clicking on the Back arrow.

Creating a break: to create a new break, go to File > New Break as shown above. This opens the below popup, allowing you to specify the Break Amount the employee is entitled to based on the range of hours you set. The break amount is triggered if the number of hours worked falls within the specified range.

Employees: this icon opens the modal that manages assigning employees to the profile. View assigned employees or change assignments from here. You can toggle the view to show only active employees, and you can search and filter the grid as needed.

Edit Profile: click here to amend a profile's settings. Every field can be edited except for the code.

Delete: This icon deletes the profile completely. Deleting a Daily Attendance Profile will automatically free up those employees that were assigned to it, making them available to be assigned to another profile. Clicking the Delete icon brings up the below message.

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