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Skills & Training: the Training & Certifications widget
Skills & Training: the Training & Certifications widget

Learn how to create, edit and delete entries in the Training & Certifications widget

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a year ago

The Training & Certifications widget

The Training & Certifications widget allows users to store the employee's educational achievements and training qualifications, along with any upcoming and ongoing courses or training. You can view, add, edit and delete entries as needed.

The main part of the widget is a grid listing all training and certification entries for the individual employee. You can filter the data using the dropdown by training or certifications, by the stage the training has reached, or by expiry, to view specific entries.

The grid contains the following columns, which can be sorted by ascending or descending order:

  • Name: the qualification's name or title.

  • Instructor: the name of the qualification's instructor - only for Training entries.

  • Awarding Body: the organisation or entity that awarded the qualification.

  • Reference: the short code given to the qualification's name to refer to in Indigo.

  • Credits: the number of educational credits the qualification is worth.

  • Hours: the number of hours the qualification took.

  • Start Date: the date the qualification was started.

  • Completion Date: the date the qualification was completed.

  • Expiry Date: the date the qualification expires, if applicable.

To add an entry to the widget, click on the + plus icon in the bottom right of the widget.

This will open the creation drawer. You can then select whether to create a Training or Certification entry.

Training and Certification Form Fields

  • Name: the full title of the qualification.

  • Awarding Body: the organisation or institution awarding the qualification.

  • Reference: a shortened version of the qualification's name.

  • Completion Date: the date the qualification was completed.

  • Start Date: the date the qualification was begun.

  • Expiry Date: the date the qualification expires.

  • Hours Completed: the number of hours the qualification took to complete.

  • Credits: the total number of credits the qualification is worth.

  • Instructor: the name of the qualification's instructor. Only available in the Training form.

  • Level: graded from 1 to 8 with 1 being the lowest level and 8 being the highest level, this is the qualification's level. This is set in the Setup section of Skills & Training and cannot be changed from this drawer.

  • Company Cost in EUR:

  • Status: shows which stage the employee has reached in achieving the qualification - Upcoming, In Progress, Completed, Failed, Cancelled.

  • Attachments: any documents or files attached to the entry are shown here.

  • Notes: any notes or remarks added to the qualification are written here.

A note on Levels

Both Training and Certifications entries can be given a level from 1 to 8, as per the Malta Qualifications Framework, or N/A for those qualifications that have no level. We have left the levels numbered without names or examples for those who wish to use a different qualifications framework.

Add a Training or Certification entry for an employee

The first time you click on the Training or Certification button when choosing which type of entry to create, the drawer will show a message saying 'No [training/certification] in the system. Start by creating your first one!' as below. Go ahead and click the Create button.

If there are any Training or Certification support files anywhere in your tenant, the drawer will go straight to the creation form.

  1. When the creation form loads in the drawer, fill in all the fields applicable to the training or certification qualification you are inputting.

  2. Once you have finished entering all the information needed, click Submit & Close to return to the dashboard after the entry is created, or Submit & Add Another to create the entry and add another entry immediately after.

If you need to add an entry for an employee that has not already been created in Setup, you can create it directly within the same drawer.

  1. Click the blue bottom-right icon in the grey box.

  2. This opens a creation box that lets you add an entry in the support files, providing the fields of Name, Awarding Body and Level.

  3. After clicking 'Create', the drawer returns you to the previous creation drawer, showing the first 3 fields already filled in. You can now add this entry for the employee!

Edit Training or Certification

  1. Click on the Edit (pen) icon of the qualification entry you want to amend.

  2. The drawer will open showing the entry's details. Update the fields as needed.

  3. After updating, click Submit & Close.

Delete a Training or Certification entry for an Employee

You can only delete a training or certification entry for an employee directly from their Skills & Training dashboard, via their Training & Certification widget.

  1. Click on the Delete (bin) icon of the qualification entry to be deleted.

  2. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the entry. Click Delete to go ahead.

  3. The message will close and the entry will be removed from the widget right away.

The other widgets in the Skills & Training Employee dashboard are:

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