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About Task Templates in Task Management
About Task Templates in Task Management

Learn what Task Templates are and how to create, edit and delete them

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 12 months ago

What are Task Templates?

The Templates section in Task Management allows admins to create task templates that can be used again and again. Creating Task Templates saves time when having to create the same task for multiple employees, either at the same or different times.

Remember! You need the permission FoundationTenant_TaskRequest to access Templates. To create task templates, the permission FoundationTenant_TaskTemplate is needed.

The Task Templates Screen

The Templates screen contains a header bar with tools and a grid showing a list of saved templates. Here you can view, create, copy, edit or delete templates.

To the far right of each grid entry are the Actions available to you: Copy, Edit and Delete. You can only delete a template if there are no tasks - pending or completed - that have been created from it.

The Header contains the following tools to help you navigate the grid: Template Type dropdown, Refresh, Filter, Search, and the Column Selector.

  • Template Type dropdown: filter the view by All, Onboarding, or Offboarding.

  • Refresh: refresh the information in the grid.

  • Filter: apply filters to the grid to help you narrow down your search.

  • Search: type in keywords to find what you need quickly.

  • Column selector: select what data to show in the grid by selecting or deselecting columns as needed.

Creating a Task Template

  1. Click on the blue + button on the bottom right of the grid to go to the 'Create Template' screen.

  2. The 'Create Template' screen is split into 6 sections of settings. Go ahead and configure each one to match what you need. (See the next section for more.)

  3. When you finish configuring the settings of your new task template, click Save on the bottom right of the screen.

  4. The screen will take you back to the Templates grid where you will see your new template has been added to the list.

Template Settings

Templates have a variety of settings that can be configured, split into 6 sections.

Template Settings

Here you can choose the Task Type and Task Category via their respective dropdown menus, give the template a Task Name and toggle whether it is Active or not.

Applicable To

This section controls to which employee the task will be applied. Update the Field and Value, and choose whether to tick the 'Applicable to all employees' checkbox or not. You can also add more than one of these rules at a time by clicking the blue + button on the far right of each rule.

Assign To

Choose who to assign the task to from the Employee Type dropdown, and whether to 'Always assign to the employee being onboarded/offboarded' or not.

Employee Types

  • Choosing Manager requires choosing a Level (1st or 2nd Level Manager).

  • Choosing Employees with Occupation requires then choosing one or more occupations. Click on the Edit icon in the Occupation(s) field to open the 'Select specific occupations' drawer, choose an occupation and click Select.

  • Choosing Specific Employee requires then designating an employee. Click on the Edit icon in the Employee(s) field to open the 'Select specific occupations' drawer, choose an occupation and click Select.

Onboarding tasks: An employee can only be assigned tasks when they have an employment date.

Offboarding tasks: You can only create an Offboarding task applicable to an employee when they have a termination date.

Due Date & Task Documentation

You can set the task's Due Date as:

  • None: the task will have no due date and can never expire.

  • On employment/termination date: the task will be due on the respective date (employment date for Onboarding tasks, termination date for Offboarding tasks).

  • Number of Days before/after employment: if you tick the 'Days' checkbox, you will then choose from the before/after dropdown, and enter the number of days in the textbox after 'employment:'.

You can also choose if an 'Upload of a document is required for this task to be completed' or not, by ticking the checkbox.

Email Notification Settings

Configure the information to be sent to the employee assigned the task from here. You can tick any, several, all, one, or none of the fields, depending on what information you want to be included in the notification email: Name and Surname, Occupation, Department, Section, Unit, Cost Centre, 1st Line Manager, Employment/Termination Date.


This section has textbox with various formatting options, and a setting to 'Include in email notification' which will have the notes added into the email notification sent to the assigned employee.

Editing a Task Template

  1. Click on the Edit button for the template entry you wish to edit.

  2. In the Edit Task Template screen, update the settings as needed.

  3. When you have finished editing, click Save on the bottom right.

  4. Click Save in the confirmation message.

  5. The screen will return to the Templates grid and notify you that the template was saved successfully.

Deleting a Task Template

  1. Click on the Delete button for the template entry you wish to delete.

  2. Indigo will prompt you with a confirmation pop-up. Press Delete if you're sure you want to delete the task template, or cancel to go back to the Task Template grid.

  3. After clicking Delete, the pop-up will close and return you to the Task Template grid. You will see the deleted task template will no longer show in the list.

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