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25th March 2024

1,168.0.0 | On/Offboarding renamed to Task Management, download files attached to tasks; new SEPA file for Unicredit, and more

Matthew Calleja avatar
Written by Matthew Calleja
Updated over 12 months ago

Hello readers,

Are you looking through our table of contents for the latest updates in Onboarding & Offboarding, and worried you can't find the feature?

We have re-branded the feature to Task Management! Truth be told, the feature has evolved into such a comprehensive task managing tool beyond just on-boarding and off-boarding employees that it has outgrown its old name!

Speaking of employees, Administrators now have the ability to link multiple emergency phone and mobile numbers to an individual employee. We have also improved the functionality of the Skills & Training module, particularly in relation to importing data from Excel. All of that is just HR.

In Insights, we have made our documentation on the Bradford Factor more accessible with the addition of a new button and a more concise tool tip.

Platform, Performance Management, Payroll & Leave, and Attendance have all seen their fair share of enhancements as well. Check them all out below! ⬇️


  • The platform has been updated to allow admins with a People+ license to tick Requests Overtime in HR > Employees.

    • This option is available when tenants have the Approval License as well.

  • Pressing the 🏠 Home button on the Indigo Error 404 screen will work as normal within the same tab.

Insights Enhancements

  • In Sick Leave Analysis, we have shortened the text in our tool tip for the Employees by Bradford Factor chart. The tool tip has also been turned into a button, which when clicked will take you to our handy and comprehensive article on everything Bradford-Index related.

    • The dropdown menu in the same chart now remains visible after clicking the button.

HR Enhancements

  • In the Employees Details screen, you can now add multiple numbers in both the mobile and phone number fields of the employee's Emergency Contact Details.

Task Management

  • Onboarding & Offboarding has been renamed to Task Management.

    • This change mirrors the evolution of the feature, which now offers expanded functionality for a wide range of tasks, not just on boarding and off boarding employees. It’s a comprehensive tool for managing various tasks across different functions and departments.

  • The assignee of a given task and admin users are now able to download any attachment found in the task.

    • The same users also have the option to delete an incomplete task. Tasks marked completed can't be deleted.

Skills & Training

  • We have enhanced the feature’s functionality when importing pre-existing skills, certifications, training, and languages via Excel. In relation to the Excel template, we have made several improvements:

    • We have added two new columns: Awarding Body and Level:

      • Awarding Body is mandatory for Training and Certifications entries. An error will be displayed when importing from excel with a Training/Certification name but without an awarding body, and vice-versa.

      • Level is not mandatory, and if left blank, it will default to ‘N/A’ for new Training/Certifications.

    • Skills, Training, Certifications and Awarding Body entries that are inputted but don't yet exist will be permitted by the system, which will automatically create them for future use within the companies the user has been added to;

    • The system now allows the use of the same Certificate and Training names, as long as the dates are different. For example, ‘First Aid in 2022’ and ‘First Aid in 2023’ can be imported separately.

HR Fixes and Improvements

Task Management

  • We have updated the data in the All Tasks screen display the correct dates and text format.

  • The task assignee is no longer able to delete documents attached to the task by admin users, as intended.

  • In Task Updates emails, the due date is no longer displayed when set to None.

Skills & Training

  • In Languages, under Skills & Training > All Employees, the Make section button is function properly, allowing users to update languages as desired.

Performance Management Enhancements

  • We have improved the module with the following enhancements:

    • Disabled templates are now preserved and not deleted.

    • Answers consisting only of spaces no longer satisfy text questions in appraisals. Trimming is now done in the backend to ensure proper saving.

    • Empty questions will no longer be accepted when creating a custom question.

    • If the due date of an appraisal is left empty, an error notification will appear, prompting the user to select a date.

    • Tool tips have been added to icons and images where clarification was needed.

Performance Management Fixes and Improvements

  • Content in the Meeting Notes section, alongside the Cancel button, is displayed inside the screen, regardless of content length.

  • Radio buttons in Multiple Choice questions are working as intended: they only allow the user to select a single option. After selecting a second option, the first is unticked, and so forth.

Payroll & Leave Enhancements

  • We have added a new SEPA file for Unicredit.

Payroll & Leave Fixes and Improvements

  • The calculation for the Sickness Benefit has been fine-tuned.

  • We have improved the validation on the Maternity Leave Fund when finalising Payroll.

Attendance Enhancements

  • A new checkbox has been added to Payroll Settings > Attendance > Allocations, under the Allocation Calculation section.

    • This checkbox is labeled 'Show all leave types in selection when manually allocating ‘Deduct Leave’.

    • By default, this checkbox is not selected.

    • When a user is manually allocating ‘Deduct Leave’, the ‘Deduct From’ dropdown will only show leave types that:

      • Can be requested on or before the current allocation date.

      • Can be requested on or after the current allocation date.

      • Don’t have a set ‘Can Request From’ date.

      • Don’t have a set ‘Can Request To’ date.

    • If the checkbox is selected, the ‘Deduct From’ dropdown will display the options currently displayed

    • This feature works for both Daily and Target Attendance allocations.

    • For Target Attendance, the ‘Effective Date’ will be used.

Device Manager

  • We have implemented a number of improvements:

    • The report can be exported by document type, action type and others.

    • Grouping now works as expected when exporting the report.

    • Date selection and validation of the date have been improved.

    • The records are also sorted in descending order by the Created on date by default.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • Transferred clockings are showing in Clocking Map View, as intended.

Device Manager

  • We have added auditing of device queries and polls when errors occur, allowing them to get recorded properly and making issues easier to troubleshoot.

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