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18th April 2024 | New! Reviews in Performance Management and Breaks report in Attendance; new settings for Notes in Task Management, and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 10 months ago

Hello Indigo Users,

Get ready to oversee all your performance appraisals with ease from the freshly launched 🚀 Reviews section in Performance Management.

Head to Task Management in HR to fine-tune two vital new settings related to Task Notes.

In Attendance, we've introduced a brand-new report dedicated to employees' break times. Plus, we've enhanced the grouping levels in Attendance Reconciliation, Allocations, Clocking Details, and Clocking Exceptions reports with page break options for added clarity.

And you know that's not the end of it... Read the full details below! ⬇️

Feature Spotlight

Introducing the brand-new Reviews section, the latest enhancement to our Performance Management feature.

This new addition empowers users with the ability to conveniently view, analyse, and manage all reviews from a single screen. Additionally, it provides enhanced functionality for HR Admins overseeing your company's appraisal procedures.

For more information about the Performance Management module, please...


  • Notice something new on the Indigo login screen? Yep, that or Login with SSO button is there for a reason – a sign for what is to come... Indigo Single Sign-On (SSO)!

  • For the time being, when you click the button and go through with the new login process, you will be redirected to our SSO documentation—also accessible via the button below!

  • Therefore, until we have thoroughly refined and configured the feature to guarantee it's solid and secure, we recommend that you continue to log in as you usually do by clicking the big blue LOGIN button.

  • Rest assured, when SSO is ready to start streamlining your Indigo login experiences ahead, you'll be the first to know—so, are you keeping an 👁️‍🗨️ on our Release Notes?

Curious about the immense benefits Single Sign-On could bring to your business?

Attendance Enhancements

  • We have added a new report for breaks. The Breaks report shows the time employees have spent on break.

  • Page break options in the grouping levels have been added to the Attendance Reconciliation, Allocations, Clocking Details, and Clocking Exceptions reports.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

Device Manager

  • SilkBios devices now only create one delete activity per device.

  • Users are being linked to Work Zones as expected.


  • The Scheduler is assigning TOIL and OT only for Sundays that fall on public holidays as intended.

HR Enhancements

Task Management

  • We have 2 new settings for Task Notes, placed below the Notes text box. Both settings are switched off by default.

    • Show notes to assignee

    • Assignee can modify notes. (Ticking this will automatically tick 'Show notes to assignee'.)

HR Fixes and Improvements

  • An error message is now shown if you try to rename a system folder in Document Manager.

Task Management

  • The Category dropdown now has a default option shown in the Create Task and Create Template screens.

  • You can now see the assignee of a Task even if they are from a company you cannot access; there will be a note to let you know 'You do not have access to the current assignee's company'.

  • When saving a Task without specifying the 'Select specific employee' or 'Applicable to' fields, the error message has been re-written to be more user-friendly.

  • Column selection and scrolling options in the Templates grid have been improved.

Payroll & Leave Enhancements

  • API users will now be able to see Earned Leave balances in Grouped Leave Entitlement for users with Earned Leave enabled.

Payroll & Leave Fixes and Improvements

  • Hours of Approved Leave are shown as expected in the Pro-rata Leave Entitlement report.

Performance Management Fixes and Improvements

  • You can now set a specific manager for each employee when starting a review for multiple people, thanks to the addition of the manager field in the Start Review drawer.

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