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29th July 2024 | Anonymise Custom Fields; preview Performance Management's Template Builder; and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 8 months ago

Hello Indigo users,

Fast on the heels πŸ‘Ÿof last update's Custom Fields release, this week we're adding a setting to it that's guaranteed to make your GDPR obligations easier: an anonymisation option for each individual entry.

Our Performance Management admins will be happy to see they can scope ahead while drafting templates and questions, thanks to the πŸ†• Template Builder preview.

Read on to see these improvements - and more! - below. πŸ‘‡πŸ»

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • The markers in the Clocking Map View have been updated to continue keeping pace πŸšΆπŸ»β€β™‚οΈβ€βž‘οΈ with Google Maps.

  • Overlapping overtime shifts are being allocated as they should be.

  • In Projects, the link to the error file generated after importing a spreadsheet is up and running πŸƒπŸ»β€βž‘οΈ again.

  • Employees whose Project Selection Type is set to 'Hidden' are unable to view and select projects when creating a new clocking.

  • The Allocation Return report is generating in PDF as expected.

Device Manager

  • In Device Activity, the filter works as expected when selecting all devices and searching for 'Delete Biometrics' in the Type column.


  • By letting the Shift Settings screen remain open, it's now easier for you to pick up where you left off after one of those 'Oops!' πŸ™ˆ moments that triggers an error while editing shift preset timings via the Scheduler.

  • The error file generates properly when importing spreadsheets with errors into the Scheduler.

HR Enhancements

  • Custom Fields can now be individually marked as confidential, thanks to a new switch in the Create Custom Field and Edit Custom Field forms, 'Contains Sensitive Data'. As the handy tooltip next to it says, when this is enabled, the data will be anonymised via the GDPR Anonymisation tool. ⚠️Please note, by default this switch is toggled off, so if you have any existing customised fields that should be anonymised on termination, make sure to edit each one! ⚠️

  • You can now group the Head Count report by gender.

  • In the Employees grid, the column for Occupation Remarks will no longer be displayed by default.

HR Fixes and Improvements

  • In Approvals, when saving rules set to approver type 'All must approve' or 'Anyone can approve', the approver priority is saved and respected when adding new approvers at separate times.

Payroll & Leave Enhancements

  • We have added the company PE number to the Payslip, so for any company with a PE number saved in their Company Details settings, all payslips will now show it in the line after the company's address.

Payroll & Leave Fixes and Improvements

  • Proceeding to print FS3s and Payslips will no longer cause Indigo to regenerate them. The printing of such documents is therefore working as intended.

  • Some hours were avoiding the Bonus Calculation bus, 🚌 leading to inaccurate counts. We have since alerted the authorities, and the Bonus Calculation is now functioning properly.

Performance Management Enhancements

  • Introducing the new Preview button in the Template Builder. Gone are the days where you have to rely on guesswork πŸ€” when using the builder!

    • When building or editing a template, you are now able to preview it by clicking the Preview button at the bottom of the Template Builder.

    • The feature also offers you the ability to look at the preview as either an employee or a manager. You can also enable Appraisal Mode for either.

  • Managers and HR admins now have the option to provide context for questions, clarifying their intent. Additionally, for certain types of questions, it's now possible to include explanations for the various responses, such as what each amount of stars signifies in a star-rating question.

    • These can be added through their respective fields under the new Advanced Settings section in the Template Builder (Questions)

Performance Management Fixes and Improvements

  • After some therapy sessions, πŸ›‹οΈ the Question Builder has gotten over its fear of inputted text that's bold, cursive or underlined, as well as additional blank lines succeeding the text. Such text will no longer spawn errors.

  • When creating a new question, if either the employee or manager version of the question is disabled, the respective text box will be disabled and test will not be allowed in, as intended.

  • The Question Category drop down menu in the Template Builder now properly displays the values that match the filter categories in the Question Bank.

  • The default answer in the Question Category field has been set to General.

  • Upon creating a new review, the due date and the name of the review will not be populated by text from previous reviews, instead getting automatically cleared.

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