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Corporate Documents Widget

Make company files available for all your employees πŸ˜‰

Serena Santamaria avatar
Written by Serena Santamaria
Updated over 5 months ago


How many times did an employee come asking for the same document over and over again? πŸ™„
Picture the scene πŸ’­
Employee: "...And what is the company position about allowances?"
HR (after being asked for the 100th time): "It's in the Employee Guide. I forwarded it to you last week." 😐
Employee: "Employee, what?" πŸ˜…
HR: 🀯
You do not have to go through this anymore, as the Corporate Documents widget allows you to share documents with the whole company. Besides the Employee Guide, examples of such documents can be sick or injury forms, company insurance forms or any medical forms etc.

The widget is found in the Employee Portal and it overall behaves like any other widget. To read more about widgets, click here.

πŸ’‘ Tip: Any type of file can be uploaded, except for file types mentioned in this list.


Permissions are used to restrict (or allow) users from making changes to files in the widget. To assign Permissions, view the detailed article here. Available permissions for this widget are:

  • HR_CorporateDocumentsCreateFolder - Reorganise files and folders in the widget

  • HR_CorporateDocumentsUpload - Upload files to the widget

  • HR_CorporateDocumentsDelete - Delete files in the widget

  • HR_CorporateDocumentsRename - Rename files and folders in the widget

πŸ€” Remember: Users that do not have any Corporate Documents related permission assigned to them are only allowed to view and download the files in the widget.

How-to on the Corporate Documents widget

The Corporate Documents widget is divided in three sections:

  1. The Options section with the following functions:

    • The 'Up One Folder' button ⬆️ allows you to move up the higher folder in the hierarchy.

    • Next to the previous button, the name of the selected folder shows.

    • The folder icon πŸ“‚ allows you to create a new folder.

    • The cloud icon with the up arrow allows you to upload πŸ”Ό files.

    • The cloud icon with the down arrow allows you to download the selected πŸ”½ files.

    • The piece of paper icon πŸ“„ allows you to rename the selected files.
      The bin icon πŸ—‘οΈ allows you to delete the selected files.

    • The search bar allows you to search within all folders showing in the widget.

      πŸ’‘Tip: Only users with the right permissions can make changes to files, however anyone can download them. Note that when downloading files, the files will remain on the widget as you are essentially downloading a copy of that file.

  2. The folders navigation pane where you can navigate through and consult the folders hierarchy.

  3. The files and folders list pane where you can actually see and select the content of the previously chosen folders.


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