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Making Final Adjustments to a Payroll

Make Minor Adjustments to the Payroll Calculation Process

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over 10 months ago


A number of adjustments can be made from the Payroll Calculation screen. Adjustments are done per employee and as such only minor adjustments to individual employees are recommended at this stage.

To make individual adjustments, first, select the employee you would like to carry the adjustments for by clicking on once. All employees included in this payroll are listed in the left-hand column as highlighted in blue above. Once an employee is selected, any adjustments will appear in the main windows along with the available actions for making final adjustments.

Types of Final Adjustments

Basic Hours

Basic Hours allows you to enter the basic hours (excluding overtime and leave) for all employees whose Employment type / Work schedule is/isn't 

To add any basic hours with this payroll, click on Basic Hours in the tab section followed by the Insert icon.

  • Employee: Select the employee for whom basic hours are being entered.

  • Employee Name: The employee's name. This field is auto-populated according to the selected employee.

  • Date: Select the date on which the hours were worked.

  • Number of Hours: Enter the number of hours worked on the selected date.

  • HR Rate: This field auto-populates with the hourly rate entered in X.


Overtime allows you to input any overtime worked by eligible employees. Employees are considered as eligible for Overtime if the Overtime checkbox is ticked in the Employee file. 

To add any overtime due with this payroll, click on Calculation Overtime in the tab section followed by the Insert icon.

  • Employee: Select the employee for whom overtime is being entered.

  • Employee Name: The employee's name. This field is auto-populated according to the selected employee.

  • Pay Item: Select the Overtime Pay Item

  • Pay Item Desc.: Auto-populates with the description of the chosen Pay Item

  • Date: Select the date when overtime was worked.

  • Number of Hours: Enter the number of overtime hours worked.

  • Factor: When a factor has been assigned to the Overtime Pay Item, this field auto-populates with the configured factor. If no factor has been set in the Pay Item, enter factor here. Factor determines how the hourly rate is multiplied.

  • Hourly Rate:  The hourly rate on which OT is worked. This field is worked out automatically based on Basic Pay

Pay Items

Pay Items allows you to add pay items per employee, unlike Global Pay Items which applies a given pay item across the entire payroll board.

To add any pay items individually due with this payroll, click on Pay Items in the tab section followed by the Insert icon.

  • Employee: Select the employee

  • Employee name: This field auto-populates with the employee's name upon selecting an employee.

  • Pay Item: Select the Pay Item,

  • Pay Item Desc.: A description of the selected Pay Item. This field is auto-populated according to the selected Pay Item

  • Cost Centre: The Cost Centre where costs are allocated. This can be used when exporting payroll costs to post in nominal ledger.

  • Cost Centre Desc.: A description of the cost centre.

  • Date

  • Amount: The Pay Item value.

  • Number of Contributions: How many times over is the Pay Item due.

  • Reference

  • Final


Leave is a read-only tab which is auto-populated with approved leave requests due this payroll. To add new leave see Leave.

Once ready, run the payroll calculation by clicking on the 'Calculate all Employees' button.

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