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Give Recruitment Agencies Access in Hiring
Give Recruitment Agencies Access in Hiring

Learn how to invite a recruitment agency your company's working with to Indigo Hiring

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated yesterday


Invite recruitment agencies to submit applicants for your job vacancies in Indigo Hiring! The invited recruiters can manually create applicant profiles and submit them for job openings within your company.

Invite a Recruitment Agency

  1. Click on your profile menu, then open the company menu.

  2. Towards the end of the list, click on Recruitment Agencies.

  3. This will take you right to the Recruitment Agencies settings. The first time you visit this page to add an agency, it will read 'No Recruitment Agencies with Access'. Go ahead and click + Add Agency.

  4. ​When the Add New Agency page loads, fill in the form with the following details:

    • Agency Name

    • Email

    • Contact Person

    • Contact Number

    • Agency Commission Size (%)

    • Select the job posts you want to share access to: choose between 'All Jobs' and 'Specific Job Selection'.

      • If you choose 'Specific Job Selection', you must then select the job post from the dropdown.

  5. When you're ready, click Invite. The form will close and return to the Recruitment Agencies settings page, and the recruitment agency will receive an email invitation on the address you entered in the form.

Editing or Deleting a Recruitment Agency

  • To make any changes to a recruitment agency's details, click on the Edit (pen) icon, amend as needed and remember to click Save.

  • To remove an agency from the list, select the Delete (bin) icon, then click Yes, Remove Access in the confirmation pop-up.

    Note: the pop-up warns that 'Deleting this agency will immediately revoke their access to recruitment portals associated with your company. They will no longer be able to view your job openings or submit candidates. Any pending applications they submitted will still be visible for your review, but they will no longer have access to updates or candidate statuses.'

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