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Indigo Hiring
Articles for Indigo Suite's job post and applicant tracking system
Give Recruitment Agencies Access in HiringLearn how to invite a recruitment agency your company's working with to Indigo Hiring
Indigo Hiring OverviewHere's an introduction to Indigo Hiring, Indigo Suite's own combined job post and applicant tracking system!
About Indigo Hiring's DashboardGet familiar with Indigo Hiring's Dashboard screen and the functions available there
Getting Started with Indigo HiringNew to Indigo Hiring? Learn how to sign up, log in, and reset your password
Importing Jobs and Applications to Hiring
Indigo Hiring and Jobhound are integrated!Find out how to activate the integration between Hiring and Jobhound, and how to connect your Hiring job posts with Jobhound.
Indigo Hiring Permissions and RolesLearn how to assign and edit roles and permissions, as well as invite people to Indigo Hiring
Managing your Personal Indigo Hiring ProfileFind out how to configure everything in your personal user profile for Indigo Hiring!
Customise your Company Settings in Indigo HiringLearn how to update your company logo and name from the Company Settings section
Making the most of your Indigo Hiring PipelineCustomise your Hiring Pipeline: set it up, add screening questions and locations, and automate various email responses to applicants.
Optimise your Hiring Preferences in Indigo HiringIndigo Hiring offers settings configurations that give you the final say on how best to use it for your recruitment needs
The All Applications Grid in Indigo HiringHiring offers comprehensive overviews for your job Applications. Learn how to access the grid, search, filter and download CVs in bulk.
Reading Applications in Indigo HiringView applications to change their stage, schedule calls, assess compatibility, CVs and cover letters. Learn about internal applications.
Assess Applications with Indigo Hiring's ScorecardHiring's customisable Scorecard helps your team assess applicants fairly whilst keeping you focused on the job's requirements
Stay Informed on Indigo Hiring ApplicationsFrom messaging applicants to an ever-updating audit log doubling as an internal chat, Hiring has your communication needs covered!
Applying for a Job with Indigo HiringFound an amazing job on Jobhound or Times of Malta that is sourced from Indigo Hiring? Read this article before applying!
Keeping Track of Your Applications on Indigo HiringLearn how to stay updated on your job applications, how to withdraw them, and how to chat with your potential employers