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Leave Heat Map

An Overview of Leave taken by Employees

Jake Ellis avatar
Written by Jake Ellis
Updated over a year ago

The Leave Heat Map can be accessed from the Out of Office widget in the Employee Portal. Click on the Heat Map button.

The following screen will provide a detailed overview of the leave being taken in the current calendar year.

The year can be changed from the top left side of the view, with options also available to view either all employees, or those in your team only, and to include sick leave as well.

Note that the employee list on the left may not show all employees in your team or in the company - it will only show employees that have taken (or applied for) leave (or sick leave, depending on the option you've selected).

The Leave Heat Map accurately displays remote work as a work day, rather than as leave. A Working Remotely check box is also available to toggle the view of such work days, as desired.

You can select which employees you'd like to view by clicking the checkboxes on the left.

Note that you can use the buttons at the bottom left side of the screen to select or deselect employees in bulk. You can also invert selections.

You can also sort employees by using the smart search bar at the top of the list. You can search by department, section, tags, roles and obviously employee names.

Here is a full list of the criteria you can search for:

  • Leave Type Code 

  • Employee Code 

  • Name, Surname, Middle Name, Full Name

  • Department Code and Description

  • Section Code and Description

  • Unit Code and Description

  • Occupation Code and Description

  • EmploymentType Code and Description

  • CostCentre Code and Description

  • Grade Code and Description

The green and red boxes will give you an instant overview of the number of employees that have taken leave on a particular day.

For example, the view above shows us that:

  • There are a lot of employees on leave on 16th January and 15th June.

  • The orange boxes in June provide a warning that there are close to a lot of employees on leave.

  • Green boxes indicate that the number of employees on leave is low.

  • White means there is no-one on leave on those days.

The range of days can be adjusted by dragging the vertical slider on the right side of the screen.

The range will always be from 0 to the maximum number of employees available on the list to the left.

  • If the slider is set to 3, then red boxes will indicate that there are 3 employees on leave on a particular day, orange boxes will indicate 2, and green will indicate 1.

  • If the slider is set to 6, then red boxes will indicate that there are 6 employees on leave on a particular day, orange boxes will indicate 3, and green will indicate 1.

  • And so on.

Using the Slider

Click and drag the slider's arrow up or down as needed.

Hovering over a particular date will show the number of employees out on leave on the bar to the right.

Clicking on a particular date will show which employees are out on leave, and for how long.

The above view shows that for 16th January, 3 employees are on leave. NOTE: The time above the names is from 13:00 to 17:00. The time changes depending on the leave being taken. So in this case, Darmanin Daniel has taken 4 hours of leave.

For 18th January, we can see that Scooby Doo is out on leave from 08:00 till 16:00, making for 8 hours of leave.

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