Making allocations for an attendance exception with excess time balance
In your Attendance Exceptions screen, find an employee with an excess time tag.
Select a time period using the date selector.
Click the pen icon of the attendance exception you wish to resolve.
In the Allocations window, click the Set allocation button.
Under Alloc. time, type in the hours and minutes you wish to allocate.
Set the allocation, and then click Save.
The above is an example for "38min" of excess time which was allocated as overtime for 38 minutes at 1.5.
If you want to simply resolve the attendance exception without applying any further actions, click Mark as resolved. The attendance exception will be marked with a Resolved tag.
Continue to resolve any remaining attendance exceptions within the selected dates. Attendance exceptions must be dealt with individually.
Completed allocations made to attendance exceptions will be marked with an Amended tag.
To apply an additional allocation to the attendance exception, click the + button in the Allocations tab.
Note that allocations will automatically be made if rewards or penalties are assigned to the shift.
Additionally, you can:
Make manual adjustments to the employee's clocking data which triggered the absence tags in order to correct the exception.
Review different allocation types before resolving any attendance exceptions.