Deducting Basic Hours for Fixed Employees
You might have a situation where you need to deduct a specific amount of hours without making use of unpaid leave. To do this you will be heading to your calculation screen and highlighting the employee in question.
Take note of the amount of units displayed on the calculation payslip on the right side of the screen. ย
In the above example you can deduct up to 173.33 hours.
Next Click on the Basic Hour and click Add (+).
Insert the following:
Date: Any date within the posting dates.
Number of Hours: Input the total amount of units you want to deduct from his pay.
Hourly Rate: Make sure to change the Hourly Rate to 0 to deduct hours.
Regular Basic Hrs: Set this to "Replace" as we will be replacing and not adding more units.
In the below example, 25 Hours will be deducted:
This will then give you the desired result, you can also deduct the full hours of 0 basic pay on a salary based employee.ย
You can also deduct all the basic hours by inserting the full amount of hours (with 0 rate) as below: