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18th June, 2020

Indigo | Save your generated reports' options, introduces itemized allocated rewards in payslips, and faster payslip runs

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


We are proud to introduce to you version of the Indigo Suite. This update has some really handy features that work across both Indigo Payroll and Time & Attendance.

First, you can save reporting options for every report in Payroll and T&A. By using the Remember generated report settings checkbox in the reports' options panels, you can instruct Indigo to remember how you set up a particular report for each time you want to generate that report again.

Next, allocated rewards made in Time & Attendance are now itemized in the respective employees' payslips. This means that you and the employee can see a detail breakdown of allocated allowances in their payslips.

Speaking of payslips, our team has vastly improved the speed at which payslips are created during a payslip run. Whether you are running payslips for seven or seven hundred employees, payslips will be churned out in a jiffy (at about the same rate at which the word "payslip" has been used in this last paragraph).

Below you will find more details about these and other improvements and fixes made to your Indigo system.


Indigo Platform

  • NEW! You can now tell Indigo to save your reporting options for each and every report in the system. By checking the Remember generated report settings box at the bottom of the reporting options panel, Indigo will remember these settings for the next time you want to generate that report. Each report type in Indigo Payroll and Time & Attendance can each have their own saved setups, allowing you to quickly generate and distribute reports from the Indigo Platform.

  • NEW! Allocated reward allowances for employees made in the Time & Attendance module are now itemized to show the number of hours/minutes and rate per hour/minute in employees' payslips in Indigo Payroll.

  • Overall system performance enhancements thanks to improved cache storage handling and security.

  • Filtering mechanisms in all Indigo reports have been optimized for better performance.

Indigo Payroll enhancements

  • We have done some work under the hood to improve the speed of payslip creation in Indigo. Whether you run payslips for a dozen employees or over 500 employees, you should expect for Indigo to consistently run all payslips very quickly.

Indigo Payroll fixes and improvements

  • We fixed issues in the Payroll Totals Extended report where advance payment values were missing, totals were being split between two pages, and the generated report incorrectly sorted employees by employee code rather than employee name or net value.

  • Maternity leave, employer and total SSC, and OT concession tax value were at times reported incorrectly due to a bug in the Payroll History tab. This bug has been fixed and the values report correctly as expected.

  • We fixed an issue in the cancel leave request window of the Employees Portal where the date selector failed to show to the leave request for the selected date.

  • An issue where new "transactions" were not appearing straightaway in the grid of certain pages (pay items, leave entitlement, leave history). Only after refreshing the page would these items appear. This issue has now been fixed and you should see new entries in the grid appear immediately as expected.

  • When entering basic hours for an hourly employee whose effective starting date is after the posting date of a payroll, the system will apply the appropriate hourly rate to the employee according to that employee's effective start date as expected. In other words, Indigo will apply a rate of 0 for days between the payroll's posting from date to the employee's effective start date, and it will apply the rate as defined in the employee's payment profile to days worked after the effective start date.

  • We fixed a bug in the Users page that caused an error anytime the copy & paste button in the functions bar was used.

  • Two bugs fixed in the Leave History tab. First, a bug was fixed in the Leave History tab where clicking on Close in a leave request form and then clicking Insert in the functions bar to submit a new leave request had left several fields in the form disabled. All fields are enabled after clicking on Insert as expected. Second, a bug was fixed where the system would not allow you to insert a second leave request after successfully submitting a first request. This has been fixed and you can insert consecutive leave requests as expected.

  • The Summary check box is found in the Payroll Total Report as expected.

  • We fixed issues with the Document search field in the audit log report page. A list of documents will appear instead of the actual audit log.

  • An issue where unchanged fields in the previous employment tab were being recorded in the audit log report alongside changes actually made to the previous employment details has been fixed. Only fields which receive changes will appear in the audit log report as expected.

  • Changing between the Payroll and Time & Attendance modules will not change to another company within your system. This issue was happening sporadically and it has now been fixed.

  • An issue where payslips, which had not been generated in the roll, in the payslip preview panel in the Payroll History tab would not appear with any details has been fixed.

  • We have corrected an issue where authorised leave requests could be cancelled outside the leave type's request date periods.

Indigo Time & Attendance fixes and improvements

  • Punches made at exactly 0:00 are linked with the previous day's shift as expected.

  • Irregularities in the import of punch files have been addressed. There were issues where invalid punches were preventing the entire punches file from being imported into the system. These irregular punches will no longer prevent the entire file from importing into the system, and you will be provided a warning about these irregular punches.

  • A bug that was creating an error in the system after one tries to delete a shift preset has been fixed.

Indigo APIs

  • A fix to Get Leave API requests so that they are returned in order of date and time.

New APIs:

  • Leave request API

  • Grouped leave entitlements API

  • Apply for leave API

  • Leave hour schedule API

  • Leave hour schedule dates API

  • Leave hour schedule details API

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