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30th July, 2020

Indigo | Improved report generation performance with reduced storage size

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


This update to the Indigo Suite includes several enhancements for the Time & Attendance module, in addition to upgrades in the platform as a whole.

First, we have improved how report layouts are created in Indigo in order to significantly reduce the file size of generated payslips, FS3s, FS5s, FS7s, payroll totals reports, and leave situation reports. This will positively affect both report generation performance and storage size.

Other enhancements for your attendance tracking and rostering module in Indigo include the visibility of transferred punches in the Clockings Data page, hours and minutes now appear as #h #m (rather than decimal form), and the code and description of selected employee groups in the shift accessibility dropdown menu of the Shift Preset page is now shown.

We invite you to read further on about the other improvements and fixes made to the Indigo Suite.


Indigo Platform enhancements

  • We have significantly improved the way report layouts are stored in Indigo in order to optimise the performance of generated payslips, FS3s, FS5s, FS7s, payroll totals reports, and leave situation reports.

  • The Indigo SaaS agreement has received formatting changes: the parties (Shireburn and the client) and their registered details are written in table format.

Indigo Platform fixes and improvements

  • We have fixed an issue with the handling of date and time formats in our BambooHR integration.

Indigo Payroll fixes and improvements

  • Incorrect NACE codes returned from the Malta Enterprise web service via the input of a company's VAT registration number number have been corrected. Codes were being returned without the leading zero.

  • The NACE code search pop-up window has been reformatted to include filtering and column selector tools in the window's functions bar.

  • We modified the leave history report's filtering so that it is not affected by tenant's company names.

  • An issue with the social security values in the totals to date section of payslips has been fixed. A bug was causing the system to only consider contributions for the given payroll, and not the payroll year.

  • Heading issues in the payroll preview report have been fixed.

  • Error messages in the Employees page that are produced after failing to insert mandatory data are more informative. The message will inform you on which fields are lacking.

  • Issues with permission filters for self-approved leave in the Employee Portal have been fixed. There were cases where leave was being self-approved despite the user not having the permission to do so in the system.

Indigo Time & Attendance enhancements

  • The hour and total hours displayed in the punches details report now show as #h #m (for example, 12h 45m) rather than decimal form (12.75).

  • The shift accessibility dropdown menu now shows the code and the description of the selected employee groups.

Indigo Time & Attendance fixes and improvements

  • Caching issues affecting the replacing of shifts in the Scheduler have been fixed. At times, attempting to replace a shift for an employee was unsuccessful or was allocated to a different employee.

  • Compounding absence penalties (for example, the first penalty deducts unpaid leave for the first hour of absence, and a second penalty deducts paid leave for all subsequent absence) work as expected.

  • We have corrected errors that were preventing scheduled hours reports from being generated.

  • The Save button in the Shift Presets page was incorrectly enabled despite no changes made in the shift accessibility pop-up window. This has been corrected and the Save button will remain disabled when no changes are made to shift accessibility.

  • There were occasional errors given when updating a modified shift within a shift pattern in the Scheduler. These errors have been fixed and you should not experience problems when modifying shift patterns in the Scheduler.

  • Small issues with importing leave into the Scheduler have been fixed.

  • When allocating a shift with a cost centre that is different to the employee's default cost centre, the allocated cost centre's cost is correctly updated in the budgeting panel rather than the default cost centre.

  • Validation issues with the mandatory in and mandatory out fields for flexi-time shift presets have been fixed. You are rightly able to enter the same timings for time in and mandatory time in, for example, without the system producing an error message.

  • We have improved the method in which night shifts are registered as transferred to Payroll; both ends of the night shift (for example, starting on 01/05/2020 and ending on 02/05/2020) will be marked as sent to payroll as expected. There were issues where only the front half of the night shift was being marked as sent to payroll (transferred).

  • The shift preset, penalties, and rewards pages in Indigo have been optimised to better fit 1366x768 screen resolution sizes.

  • An issue where the costings report displayed zeros despite the relevant budgets have been set up has been corrected. The costings report displays your configured budgets as expected.

  • Punches on termination dates are imported as expected.

  • Rendering performance of the geo-location map in the Clockings Data page has improved.

Indigo APIs

  • An error message will inform you if you have omitted dates from or dates to when using the Approved Leave Request Insert API; running this API without inserting an employee (applicant) code will fail as expected.

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