Jump down to links for minor and quick fixes for this version.
We are pleased to preset Indigo to you. This update includes a new import functionality in the Scheduler that allows you to bulk import schedule records using Excel spreadsheets. This is a great way to allocate pre-approved overtime and other exceptional shifts to your roster.
This version of Indigo also includes an update to the previous employment screen for employee profiles. The redesign of the screen will help you distinguish which fields are mandatory for FSS tax filings and which are conditional for overtime or part-time tax filings.
Finally, we have made some security enhancements to the platform and a number of other minor improvements and fixes across your Indigo Suite.
Indigo platform enhancements
We have made further security enhancements following improvements to our file format validation processes. This enhancement helps protect your Indigo system against potentially harmful files during Excel imports and data migration.
Indigo Payroll enhancements
We have redesigned the Previous Employment page of employee profiles to help you distinguish which values are always required for FSS tax calculations and which values are only required for overtime and part-time taxes (in the case of previous employment during the same year, in the same company, and recorded in Indigo).
The mandatory fields required for FSS tax calculations are Gross Main Less Overtime Concession Value and Tax Main.
The optional fields needed for overtime or part-time taxes include: Gross PT, Tax PT, Overtime Concession Hrs, Overtime Concession Value, and Overtime Concession Tax.
Indigo Payroll fixes and improvements
Indigo downloads all FS3s when you select "Download all" as expected. There were issues where only FS3s visible on the current page would download (FS3s on other pages would not download).
We fixed an issue where basic hours were not allocated correctly to hourly paid employees when a triggered attendance reward was modified from "OT" to "add allowance."
An issue where employees were duplicated on head count reports when Unit is selected as a group level in the reporting options (along with Section and Department) has been fixed.
Intermittent timeout errors when attempting to export employee data to Excel have been fixed.
The paste and copy and paste options from the toolbar in the payroll calculation screen work as expected.
Uploading corporate documents to employees' portals works as expected.
A confirmation pop-up has been added to the global leave write-off and pay-off function. This pop-up asks for confirmation from the user if they want to proceed with the write-off.
Non-grouped overtime entries for the same day are reported on payslips as expected.
Indigo Attendance enhancements
You can now import schedule records directly into your Scheduler via Excel spreadsheets.
Indigo Attendance fixes and improvements
An issue where missing clockings were showing as duplicates in the Attendance Exceptions page has been fixed.
Issues where values in the Budgeting panel not updating whenever filters were in place in the Scheduler have been fixed.
The device list in the import clockings screen appears as expected.
Modifying the cost centre and occupation of a shift in the Scheduler will not create a detached shift.
Quick fixes for Indigo
5 March 2021 | Indigo
5 March 2021 | Indigo
8 March 2021 | Indigo
9 March 2021 | Indigo