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26th April 2021

Indigo | Bank charges column added to bank accounts page and direct credit reports and further security enhancements

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


This is a short but sweet update for your Indigo Suite.

Indigo offers a new column in your bank accounts page and in direct credit reports that show bank charges for your banks. You can now sort employee details reports by employee names and codes. There are also further security enhancements to safeguard you and your Indigo data from online attackers.

Below you will find details on these and other fixes and improvements to your Indigo Suite.


Indigo platform enhancements

  • We've made further security enhancements to a number of page address in Indigo in order to protect you even better from online attackers.

Indigo Payroll enhancements

  • A new column to show bank charges for bank accounts in your system is now available. This non-mandatory field that can be configured in Payroll > Settings > Payroll > Bank Accounts also appears in your direct credit reports.

  • You can now sort employee details reports by employee code, employee name, and employee surname.

  • Up to four decimal points can now be inserted in the multiplier field for overtime pay items.

Indigo Payroll fixes and improvements

  • Issues where Payroll settings would not save according to user preference have been fixed.

  • Processed transactions following previous runs of the pro-rata leave entitlement utility will not be included in future runs of the utility as expected. Processed transactions are now flagged in the system and will not be included in subsequent runs of the utility.

    An issue where grouping a head count report by unit would produce incorrect data has been fixed.

  • The user roles & permissions report has been moved from Payroll > Reports to Administration > Reports.

  • The Leave widget in the Employee Portal shows the correct number of employees working "out of office" as expected.

  • User filters in the cost detailed report work as intended.

Indigo Attendance fixes and enhancements

  • Shift names for detached shifts appear in employee schedule reports as expected.

  • We fixed an issue where clockings for a following day were incorrectly linked to an unscheduled attendance reward, causing overcompensation for the unscheduled attendance reward and missing clockings for that following day.

  • Hours from shift presets in the Scheduler are summed up correctly. There were issues where certain weekend shifts were not being tallied correctly towards the total hours.

  • Issues are removed as expected when the shift bearing the issue is deleted from the Scheduler.

Quick fixes and minor updates

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