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17th January 2022 | New Leave Balance options for Payslips, Reporting standardisation across Indigo, update to Employees grid and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 3 years ago

Hello again!

We hope you have settled down after the hectic New Year period. Here at Indigo, we are starting off the year with a few enhancements and improvements to continue making Indigo as sleek and supportive as we can.

To help all our users find things more quickly, all the reporting sections and reporting menus have been alphabetised. Meanwhile, we have added some new payslip display settings, we have reshuffled the grid columns for a more intuitive approach in the Employees Screen, and added a new field to the Employee Profile Attendance Details.

With a handful of important changes in Payroll, Time and Attendance, and even APIs, be sure to read through the details for the low-down on all things Indigo this update.

Don't feel like scrolling through everything? Jump to your preferred section using these helpful links:

Platform Enhancements

  • Reports in the Reporting section for all modules have been reorganised in alphabetical order and the report titles have been standardised across Indigo.

  • The Audit Log now includes deletion of employees.

Payroll Enhancements

  • There are two new options in the Payslip Settings related to displaying leave balances in the payslip:

    • Display Annual Leave Balances: this will show the current leave balance.

    • Display Period Leave Balances: this will show the leave balance to date, only deducting leave taken till the end of that payroll.

  • We have changed which columns are included in the default grid on the Employees screen, to prioritise the most common columns viewed by users.

  • The company drop-down menu has been widened and lengthened to view company names better.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • In Pay Items, when an Adjustment is to be included in basic pay in the payroll calculation, you can set it to be considered by selecting 'Factor of: Pay group' and choosing Basic Pay Rate in the Based On section.

  • When adding items in the edit modals in all Calculation tabs, the grid will automatically refresh on closing the modals.

  • When saving Payroll reports as CSV, the saved file generates as expected.

  • The FSS Calculation Information and FSS Report Printout now match consistently.

  • Employees with the same ID number that have had a change in civil status in the same year will now have separate entries per civil status in the Electronic Lodgement, as per CfR requirements.

  • In Leave, the Resubmit function is operating as expected.

Time and Attendance Enhancements

  • We have added a new field for Daily Attendance Type in the Employee Profile Attendance Details section. This will allow users to exclude employees from being calculated in the Daily Attendance Exceptions.

Time and Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • Various changes have been made to Shift Presets, Rewards, and Penalties to standardise titles and names.

  • We have improved the permission to Edit Clockings directly from the Allocations screen depending on permission assigned.


  • When using an Update API generates an error, if the error is related to a missing primary key or code which is required to enact the API successfully, it will now inform the user of the specific primary key or code which is missing.

  • A new API allowing the insertion of Approved Leave Cancellation Requests has been created. This allows third party system users to send pre-approved leave cancellations to Indigo.

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