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10th March 2022 | Updated Payroll Detailed report and Payslip Print Settings; new conditions in Rewards; new labels in Allocations screens

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 3 years ago


This week's update brings a couple of Payroll additions and a handful of Time and Attendance changes to see your way to a better Indigo experience.

In Payroll, the Payroll Detailed report has some new information, while payslips can now be ordered by Grade when printed. In T&A, make sure to check out the new options in the Allocation Return report and the conditions in Rewards. The Allocations screens also have some new labels to help you identify entries more easily at a glance.

Keep reading to learn more.

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Payroll Enhancements

  • We have added a column for Company Cost (where Company Cost is calculated via the formula: Total Gross + ((Company NI + Maternity Leave) * -1)) in the Payroll Detailed report. This will be displayed as the final column in the Excel sheet.

  • You can now print payslips by Grade order in the Print Settings.

Time and Attendance Enhancements

  • We have a new condition and an amendment in Rewards:

    • New condition - Scheduled Time: this option is available under the Type 'Works on specific time', and only considers attendance falling within the Scheduler's Time In and Time Out, ignoring any time logged outside that range.

    • Amendment - Shift In/Out Range and Excess Time: a drop-down menu has been added for Method Type with a choice of Slicing or Range. Note: If either Shift In/Out Range or Excess Time with Range method type is to be included in a reward with other conditions, it must be set as the last condition.

  • Information labels have been added to the entries in the Allocations screens which shows the name of the reward or penalty.

  • We have added an 'Include Resolved' option to the Allocation Return report. When unticked, all resolved allocations will be excluded from the report.

Time and Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • In Rewards and Penalties, pay items appear in the form as expected when selected.

  • We have improved the Scheduler's functionality when the filter does not retrieve any results.

  • When deleting entries in the Scheduler, empty rows are removed immediately without requiring a manual refresh.

  • The bottom right summary modal in the Scheduler updates as intended when clicking on different Cost Centre Budgets.

  • In the Allocation Return report, we have separated the dates and times in Date From and Date To, and have included drop-down menus for Time From and Time To.

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