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How to use Target Attendance Profiles

Using Target Attendance Profiles

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over 11 months ago

After creating a Target Attendance Profile, your main Target Attendance Profiles screen should look similar to the below grid, listing your profiles along with their details.

Grid Options

  • Refresh: refreshes the grid.

  • Filter: opens filters in each column.

  • Search: searches all entries in the grid for key words.

  • File: menu containing action options, currently only 'New Profile' is available but more will be added eventually as needed.

  • Settings: the list of columns available in the grid.

    • Description: the Profile description.

    • Custom Setup: 'Yes' shows the entry has a custom interval setup, 'No' shows the entry has an automatically generated interval setup.

    • Interval Type: shows whether the interval is generated by weeks or days.

    • Include Daily Excess: shows whether the profile is set to include employees' daily excess or not.

    • Active: shows whether the profile is active or inactive.

    • Default Expected Hours: the target hours originally entered in the Interval Setup box for profiles created with the default setup.

    • Created On: date the profile was created.

    • Created By: which user created the profile.

    • Modified On: date the profile was last modified.

    • Modified By: which user last modified the profile.

  • Close: closes Target Attendance Profiles and returns to Indigo's main page.

Profile Entry Actions

At the far right of each profile entry is a number of actions that allow you to use the profile in different ways.

View Employees

This icon opens the below popup, from which you can view the employees assigned to the profile and update their Target Attendance Type via the dropdown menu.

Note: the corresponding fields for Target Attendance Profile and Target Attendance Type in HR > Employees > Attendance Details update automatically when you assign them to employees via Attendance > Target Attendance Profiles.

The tooltip next to the search bar opens an explanation:

You can update the Target Attendance Type either individually or for all employees assigned to the profile. The clip below demonstrates the 'Set all as' button.

Edit Profile

The second icon opens the profile in the Target Attendance Profile Setup screen so that you can make any changes required. Please note intervals cannot be edited if they have been sent to payroll and will appear locked.

Groups containing intervals that have been sent to payroll can be edited, but only the pending intervals will be updated with any changes. The system will alert you:

Delete Profile

This icon deletes the profile completely. When a Target Attendance Profile is deleted, all employees assigned to it are automatically unassigned and so will need to be assigned to a new or different profile. Clicking the Delete icon will trigger a confirmation message.

Please note that if a profile has at least one interval which was sent to payroll, it cannot be deleted. However, it can still be set as inactive if you wish to exclude it from any future calculations.

Copy Profile

Clicking this icon copies the profile and opens an identical copy in the Profile Setup screen with identical settings and '- Copy' added on to the end of the existing profile's description.

Profile Settings

Profile Settings opens a popup showing what Rewards and Penalties, if any, are assigned to the specific profile.

When there are no Rewards or Penalties assigned to a profile, the popup appears as below. Clicking on the button in the middle of the tab will take you directly to the Rewards page, or to the Penalties page if you are viewing the Penalties tab.

  • Refresh: click to refresh the popup.

  • Search: enter key words here to search the current tab for results.

  • Filter: click to enable the filter in the current tab.

  • File: a menu that lets you access the Rewards or Penalties pages as needed.

  • Close: closes the popup.

For a Reward or Penalty to be assigned to a Target Attendance Profile, you must first set the Type to Target Attendance in the Reward or Penalty page setup:

Once a Reward or Penalty has been set to Type: Target Attendance and assigned to a profile, it will be listed in the relevant tab in the Target Attendance Profile Settings popup. The action button at the end of the entry, in this case 'View Penalty', will open the preset in a new tab.

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