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Setting up Target Attendance

How to set up Target Attendance Profiles to use Target Attendance

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a year ago

What is Target Attendance?

Target Attendance is a time-saving feature used to calculate attendance, including excess and leave, over a greater period than daily, such as biweekly, monthly, etc. It provides a bird's eye view so that users can compare the actual attendance worked with the target attendance in bulk, rather than on a daily basis; and it automates the variances in excess and absence via Rewards and Penalties the user sets for Target Attendance.

Employee Configuration

Target Attendance Type: choose Scheduler for employees whose attendance is scheduled, so that their Target Attendance Exceptions will be calculated based on the scheduler entries. Choose Clocking for those employees who are not rostered, so that their Target Attendance Exceptions will be calculated based on their clockings. Please note that night shifts are not supported for Target Attendance Type: Clocking. If the employee is not to be included in Target Attendance at all, select Target Attendance Type: None.

Target Attendance Profiles

You can find the icon for this feature via Attendance > Setup.

When accessing this page to first set up Target Attendance, you will see this message:

If you are not ready to create your first Target Attendance Profile, select 'I'll do this later', which will close the popup and take you back to Indigo. If you are ready to go ahead, click 'Start'.

Profile Setup

The first step in setting up a Target Attendance Profile is to fill in the basic details.

  • Description: enter a basic description here. This will serve as the profile's name. You can designate a colour by clicking on the colour icon and choosing a colour via the colour picker.

  • Assigned To: all employees that have the profile assigned are listed here. You can assign it to employees by clicking the 'Add Employees' button. This opens a list of employees, which can be searched using the Search bar and filtered with the Filter function. You can choose individual employees by selecting their tick box, or all employees by selecting the tick box in the header bar. The 'Show active employees only' switch allows you to view employees in active employment when set to 'Yes', and all employees including terminated or new ones whose start date is set in the future when set to 'No'.

  • Include Daily Excess: select 'Yes' if you wish to include the Daily Excess. If excess time is handled on a daily basis, do not enable this feature. (Please note, this applies only to employees with a 'Scheduler' target attendance type.) Clicking on the help icon will provide an explanatory popup.

    Daily excess is extra time worked outside of the shift. Usually this is allocated as overtime. Enable this feature to include this excess time as part of the working hours generated in the target attendance allocation.

  • Active: select 'Yes' to activate the profile. Select 'No' to keep it inactive or to deactivate an existing profile.

How do I set up Intervals?

Intervals can have two setups: the default setup, which creates intervals with a standard time length and expected hours for the date range you enter; and the custom setup, which allows you to create intervals one by one so as to adjust the time length and expected hours for each one according to your needs.

1. Default Setup

To use the default setup, make sure the 'Custom Setup' switch is set to 'No'.

  • Amount: select the number of weeks or days for which the interval should run.

  • Type: choose between Weeks and Days.

  • Default Expected Hours: total expected hours per person for interval.

  • From: the date from which the profile will apply.

  • To: the end date till which the profile will be valid. This period will contain at least one interval and can be set to run on for years if needed, e.g. a profile set as 'From: 01/01/2022 - To: 31/12/2025' will be valid for those dates.

  • Cancel: takes you out of the page and back to the landing page of Target Attendance, and will not save any changes made. Please note there is no back function when you're working on a pre-existing profile.

  • Next: this will generate the intervals according to the basic settings you selected in the Interval Setup options.

When using the default Interval Setup and clicking 'Next', you will be prompted by the message:

Interval Setup: The interval configuration provided does not fit the date range. Do you want to automatically extend the date range to fit intervals?

Click 'Yes' to continue for Target Attendance to automatically match up the date range to the interval configuration you selected and generate the full interval sequence, creating all intervals from the first to the last based on the dates you enter. Clicking 'No' leaves the date range untouched and the last interval in the sequence will not match up to the entered 'To' date, but will instead be the last full interval possible in the date range you set.

a. Default Setup - Interval Example

After clicking 'Next', the resulting screen will show the number of intervals generated, the tabs per year in the sequence, and the generated intervals.

b. Screen Glossary:

  • Year tabs: the intervals for the highlighted year's tab will be displayed.

  • Select All: selects all intervals.

  • Clear All: deselects any selected intervals.

  • Select Year: selects all intervals in that specific year.

  • Clear Year: deselects all intervals in that specific year.

  • Selected Interval(s) Target Hours: if you need to update the Target Hours with the same figure for multiple intervals, tick those intervals and then enter the number here, then click 'Update Hours'.

  • Group Name: select the intervals you wish to group, write the group name here, select the group colour, then click 'Save Group'. Once a group has been saved, a colour highlight is added to the selected intervals and the group is created in the bottom section. You can use this to rename existing groups at any time.

    From here you can then make changes to the group, like updating the hours and the name. The entry shows the group colour, name, number of intervals, and target hours.

    • Select Intervals: click to select all intervals in the group. This is useful if you want to make changes to the whole group's intervals at one go.

    • Edit Group: click to edit the group name, colour, or hours, or to add or remove intervals from the group.

      When you have finished editing the group, make sure to click 'Update Group'. If you wish to cancel any changes you made while editing the group, click 'Cancel'.

    • Delete Group: click to delete the group.

  • Back: only visible while creating a new profile. This takes you back to Profile Setup and naturally loses all progress in the Interval Setup.

  • Cancel: takes you out of the page and back to the landing page of Target Attendance. Please note there is no back function when you're working on a pre-existing profile.

  • Save Changes: this option is available when editing an existing profile. It saves all changes made and automatically takes you back to the main page of Target Attendance, showing the list of profiles.

  • Finish: click to save your new target attendance profile. It automatically takes you back to the main page of Target Attendance, showing the list of profiles.

c. Individual Interval


  • Tick Box: located at the top left of each interval, this allows you to select multiple intervals to either update their hours or name them all at once, in bulk.

  • Title: this is the interval name, made up of the year and the interval's number in the sequence. For example, Interval 2022-1 means this is the first interval in the sequence for 2022.

  • From: interval start date; this cannot be edited manually.

  • To: interval end date, which can be edited by the user.

  • Target hours: total target hours per employee for that interval.

  • Group highlight: located on the bottom of the interval box, this band shows the interval's group; when grey, the interval is not part of a group.

2. Custom Setup

To use the customer setup, toggle the 'Custom Setup' switch to 'Yes'.

Use Custom Setup if each interval will have different lengths and different total hours. Please note the interval dates do not have to match the payroll dates.

If you select 'Yes' for Custom Setup, the screen changes as follows:

Add Interval: this allows you to add an interval manually.

Before adding an interval, make sure to enter the correct date in the 'To' field of the previous interval, as the next interval's 'From' date will be the day after this and cannot be adjusted.

3. Splitting Intervals

It is possible to split an interval by changing the end date of an existing interval. When grouping intervals, part of one interval may belong to one group while the other part would belong to another group, for example when splitting into seasons or quarters.

If you change the end date of an interval that already has a subsequent interval, the system will alert you as follows:

Both options will save the new date and automatically generate a new interval to bridge the resulting gap. The bridging interval will take the name of the original interval, followed by '.1'.

Keep adding intervals until you finish your desired sequence, then click 'Finish' (or 'Save Changes' if you are editing an existing profile).

When you click 'Save Changes' or 'Finish', you will be asked if you want to save all changes. Click 'Save All Changes' to save, or 'Cancel' to continue editing the setup.

Note: You can toggle the switch to change setup type any time while creating a Profile, but this will reset any changes made.

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