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6th June 2022 | New automated stop of SSC deduction for pension age staff; added notifications to aid users in several processes; and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


We hope you're enjoying the change in weather while keeping protected from the heat.

This week the Indigo team has improved the automation on SSC deductions for pension age employees, and prepared several notifications in Payroll to guide users better, while also improving various reports across Payroll and Attendance.

Read on for more detail or click on the following links to jump down to your preferred section:


  • The Indigo logo on Payslips has been updated to the most recent version.

Payroll Enhancements

  • Indigo will now automatically stop the SSC deduction for employees who are over 65 years old. A warning message will show in the Payslip Preview of the Calculation informing the user that no SSC was deducted due to the employee's age. To remove this message, switch the employee type to 'No SSC'.

  • In the Employee form, the system will now alert the user with a notification when entering an IBAN that is already in use.

  • When inputting Sick Leave at a different rate than 1.0 or 1, the system will now ask the user for a confirmation with the pop-up message 'The leave requested is not at 1.0 rate and will change the gross value for the period. Are you sure you want to submit?'. The user will then need to click 'Yes' to submit or 'No' to return to the selection page.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • The Employee Basic Pay Difference report generates as expected.

  • Cancellation Remarks are shown as intended in the Leave History report.

  • When entering dates in the Employee screen, the system will warn the user of any inconsistencies.

  • We have added a field to the Employee form and export showing the employee's current age based on their date of birth.

  • We have enhanced and improved how Working Remotely works.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • We have improved the Scheduler's display when inserting a shift for the last row in the Schedule.

  • We have added an option to the Who's In report to include all staff, regardless of whether they report to the user generating the report or not. Please note the report and user record filters will still apply.

Quick Fixes and Minor Updates

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