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5th July 2022 | New Viewing options in the Scheduler; see employees' AKA name in several screens; various report changes throughout Indigo

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Hello readers,

In this week's update, our team has put together several items to enhance your use of Indigo, along with various fixes.

In Payroll, we have added the company drop-down name to a handful of reports as well as a new option in the Basic Hours report.

Moving on to Attendance, there have been changes to various reports, while in the Scheduler we have enabled multiple selections in the View Options and also made it possible to view employees' 'Also Known As' names in a few different screens throughout Attendance. Send To Payroll has been tweaked to take current leave entitlement and deductions into consideration.

Keep reading for more detail, or jump down to your preferred section using the links below:


  • Leave colours in the calendar part of the Portal's My Leave Year Planner widget are displaying as intended.

Payroll Enhancements

  • We have added an option to show the Company Drop-down name when generating the following reports using Grouping by Company at any level:

    • Head Count report

    • Leave History report

    • Leave Situation report

    • Leave Accruals

  • There is a new Grouping option to group by Employee in the Basic Hours Report (Summary).

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • When submitting a leave entry with Variable Hours in the Leave Request Audit, the system will alert you if you leave out the Time From and Time To fields.

  • Subcontracted Employees do not show in the Missing Employees list displayed when finalising the Payroll Calculation.

  • The 'Hide zero balances' setting in the Leave Situation report functions as intended.

  • Leave starting on a weekend is displaying as expected when importing bulk leave.

  • In the Payroll Detailed report, the Advanced Payment column in the Excel file updates as intended.

  • The Total Payment field in Section E of the FS5 is not generated automatically and must be filled in manually by the user.

  • The Employee Basic Pay Difference report operates as expected and has had its font updated.

  • When issuing Direct Credits to a Revolut bank, the Revolut icon is displayed.

Attendance Enhancements

  • It is now possible to select more than one view in the Scheduler's View Options (previously named Employee View).

    All options are ticked by default. When the drop-down menu is closed, a description of the selection is shown. There is a Reset option to the right of the drop-down and is enabled when at least one option has been unticked.

  • It is now possible to view Employees' 'Also Known As' names on the following Attendance screens:

    • Scheduler (Please note you will first need to turn on the new setting 'Show employee also known as if available' via Payroll > Settings > Attendance > Scheduler.)

    • Clocking Data

    • Attendance Exceptions

    • Target Attendance Profiles: Assign Employees modal, Set Employee Target Attendance Type modal.

    • Daily Attendance Profiles: Assign Employees modal

  • In Send To Payroll, the system now considers the current leave entitlement being added while simultaneously deducting leave.

  • We have renamed several reports as follows:

    • Punches Detail report - > Clocking Detail report

    • Punches Summary report - > Clocking Summary report

    • Punches Weekly report - > Clocking Weekly report

    • Punches Exceptions report - > Clocking Exceptions report

  • When issuing the Clocking Detail report in PDF, there is a new Remarks column displaying any remarks entered for each entry.

  • We have added a new option to the Attendance Reconciliation report called 'Show allocated time'. When this setting is enabled, the report includes columns for Allocated Excess and Allocated Absence, along with corresponding totals for both.

  • We have added a column containing the totals for Basic Hours, Overtime Hours and Leave Hours to the Employee Schedule report.

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