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24th August 2022 | Bulk imports in Time Tracking by Project; updates to Scheduler Costings; and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Hi readers,

For this update, the Indigo team has worked hard to bring you some Payroll improvements, an addition of bulk imports to the Time Tracking by Project feature, as well as several changes to the Scheduler's Costings functionality.

Read on to learn more!

Payroll Enhancements

  • When the payroll of an employee (or multiple employees) paid by Direct Credits has been adjusted after the Direct Credits file for that payroll has been issued and sent to the bank, regenerating the file now provides another option besides downloading the whole file: downloading the discrepancy file, which shows only the difference in value from the original one. We have added a new column to the grid for the Discrepancy Amount for reference purposes.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • In the Payroll Calculation, the payslip preview refreshes automatically when removing overtime from a payslip.

  • When the 'Payslip leave balance type' in Payslip Settings is set to 'Period' and an employee has not taken any vacation leave, e.g. VAC22, the amount of leave available is shown on the Payslip.

  • When terminating an employee, the 'Cancel Leave After Termination' function works as expected.

Attendance Enhancements

  • There are several changes involving the Scheduler's Costings tooltip:

    • Time Off In Lieu has been renamed to Leave Entitlement.

    • When calculating Basic hours for employees who work on public holidays, the Scheduler Costings now also calculates social security contributions and the maternity leave fund contributions.

    • We have reorganised the Costings sections in the Attendance settings as below.

  • As part of the Time Tracking by Project feature, it is now possible to import projects in bulk in the Projects grid.

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