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20th September 2022 | New Export License report, Sunday-to-Saturday view in the Scheduler; enhanced Attendance Reconciliation report

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Hello readers!

In view of this week's public holiday, our team has prepared a compact update.

In Payroll, a new report allows subscription admins to view their tenant's employee licenses, and a few improvements have been made to Leave and elsewhere.

Meanwhile in Attendance, we have added a new Sunday to Saturday view to the Scheduler, and actual clocking times to the Attendance Reconciliation report.

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Payroll Enhancements

  • We have added a new report which exports the employee licenses separated by company. This new report can be accessed by Subscription Administrators only and can be found in the Help (?) menu in the top right corner of Indigo, then clicking on Excel License Report.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • We have improved the Leave Setting 'Inform parent of the leave authoriser as CC' when a tenant has multiple companies.

  • In Leave, when a leave type is switched to half pay or unpaid, the pop-up now reads: 'The employee's hourly rate will change for the requested leave. Do you want to continue?'

  • The correct number of licenses is shown when a user with limited permissions checks Licenses.

Attendance Enhancements

  • We have added a new view option to the Scheduler, allowing users to switch to a Sunday to Saturday weekly view.

    To use this view, it has to be enabled by ticking the option 'Display Sunday as first day of week in scheduler' in Settings > Attendance > Scheduler.

  • The Attendance Reconciliation report now shows the actual clock in and clock out information, alongside the amended and expected ones (shown in brackets) in the same column. For example, for the In / Actual (Expected) column, In is the amended clock-in due to time tolerance, / Actual is the original clock-in, and (Expected) is the time expected for clocking in; the same is true for the Out / Actual (Expected) column.

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