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Insights Premium: Payroll Costs, Payroll Costs Adjustments & Forecasting Costs
Insights Premium: Payroll Costs, Payroll Costs Adjustments & Forecasting Costs

Find out about People Insights' Payroll Costs, Payroll Costs Adjustments, and Forecasting Costs dashboards

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Payroll Costs

This dashboard covers payroll costs, which can be used to view the total cost using the Company Cost tab; or it can be used to view specific costs, such as Payroll, Basic Salary, Overtime, or Adjustments, via their respective tabs:

If there is no data present for Adjustments or Overtime, no report tab will be available in the dashboard.

The data available for each tab is by Year, Month, and Department or Cost Centre (depending which is selected). The same graphs and charts are used across these four reports, but change according to the data in each report.

  • Costs for the Year: this chart shows the costs for the year by Cost Centre or Department.

  • Costs across Years: this chart shows the total costs per year to facilitate yearly comparisons at a glance.

  • Costs vs Prior Year: this table gives a detailed year on year comparison. The data shown per year entry is the total costs - Costs, the prior year's costs for the same period (e.g. if the current date is 1st June, the prior year's costs will only be calculated till the same date of that year) - Prior Year Costs, the difference between the current year and the prior year - vs Prior Year, and the difference between the current year and the prior year as a percentage - vs Prior Year %. The entry can be expanded to show a monthly view for the year, or collapsed to show only the yearly view, via the plus + to the left of the year.

  • Yearly Trend for [category] x2: view the yearly trend for two different categories, to further increase your perspective on your Payroll Costs.

    Available categories are: Full time equivalents (FTE), Basic Hours, Overtime (OT) hours, Basic & OT hours, Overtime % of Total hours, Leave Hrs % of Basic Hours, Avg Hourly Rate, Company NI, Company NI & MLF, Company NI & MLF per FTE.

  • Avg. Hourly Rate across Years: this chart shows the average hourly rate across the years for selected data points and for the company.

Payroll Costs Adjustments

The data available can be sliced and/or filtered by Year, Month, Pay Item, and Department or Cost Centre. You can also search for specific pay items in the Search Pay Item box.

  • Adjustments for the Year: this section contains two charts, one for yearly costs by Cost Centre or Department (depending on which filter you're using) and one for yearly costs by Pay Item. You can choose which year to view from the dropdown at the top.

  • Costs across Years: view the costs across years in this bar chart, with costs shown to the nearest million.

  • Costs vs Prior Year: this table gives a detailed year on year comparison. The data shown per year entry is the total costs - Costs, the prior year's costs for the same period (e.g. if the current date is 1st June, the prior year's costs will only be calculated till the same date of that year) - Prior Year Costs, the difference between the current year and the prior year - vs Prior Year, and the difference between the current year and the prior year as a percentage - vs Prior Year %. The entry can be expanded to show a monthly view for the year, or collapsed to show only the yearly view, via the plus + to the left of the year.

Forecasting Costs

Work out a forecast of your company's monthly costs using this dashboard. You can calculate costs based on Company Cost, Basic Salary, Net Payroll, Overtime, and Adjustments. Filter the data by company, report, and Department or Cost Centre.

  • Forecast Variables: adjust the forecast factors from this section using the dropdowns for Monthly Cost, Increase/Decrease, and Change type, and the sliders for % Change €, % Change in FTE, and € Change per FTE.

  • Forecast & Actual across Years: this chart shows the actual costs from past years along with the forecast one for the current year, giving you an easy visual comparison.

  • Current Forecast vs Prior Year: a visual summary shows the forecast cost for the current year in bold, with the prior year's actual cost, and the difference between the two in Euros and percentage. A graph representing the difference is shown in the background to give shape to the summary.

  • Forecasts by Month: this graph shows the actual monthly costs through the years in blue, going on to show the forecast monthly costs for the rest of the current year in orange.

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