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Indigo People Insights
Read guides for Indigo People and Insights here
Introduction to People InsightsLearn about our Power BI reports and have a quick look at each dashboard available
Accessing People InsightsFind out how to access Indigo's People Insights feature and how to give access to your users
Navigating Indigo's People Insights and Benchmarks ModulesFind out how to use and interact with Insights and Benchmarks to get the most out of this powerful visual feature.
The Turnover Dashboard in People InsightsLearn all about this premium dashboard in Indigo's People Insights module
Leave Balance & Sick Leave Analysis in People InsightsAll about the premium dashboards for Leave Balances and Sick Leave Analysis in Indigo's People Insights module
Payroll Costs, Payroll Costs Adjustments & Forecasting Costs in People InsightsRead about the premium dashboards in Indigo's People Insights for Payroll Costs, Payroll Costs Adjustments, and Forecasting Costs dashboards
Tracking Sick Leave by Bradford FactorSporadic use of sick leave causes major disruption. Learn how the Bradford Factor can help you be proactive in mitigating the impact.
The ESG Dashboard in People InsightsFind out what's in Indigo's ESG dashboard to help you with your ESG compliance reporting