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8th March 2023 | Standardisation of People Insights dashboards; delete terminated employees from Organisation Chart; improvements to VOPS report

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Hello readers!

For this week, the Indigo team has been busy bettering Insights and Payroll for you while doing some behind the scenes work on Attendance and HR.

For Insights, we have implemented a standard for chart and graph labels as well as dropdown menus across all dashboards, to make your viewing experience even smoother.

In Payroll, there is a new option to delete terminated employees from the Organisation Chart, new alerts in the Employees page to safeguard you from entering the same IDs and IBANS twice, a host of improvements to the VOPS report, and several fixes.

Read on to find out more!

Insights Enhancements

  • All menus and chart labels have been standardised across People Insights dashboards.

Payroll Enhancements

  • When terminating an employee via the Employees screen, we have added an option to delete the employee from the Organisation Chart.

  • Indigo will warn users when they enter pre-existing ID numbers and IBANS in the Employees screen.

  • We have made various improvements to the VOPS report:

    • In the PDF version, the ID card or resident number is shown for each employee.

    • When exporting to Excel, the file name is now 'Voluntary Occupational Pension Scheme [export date]'.

    • The first row of the report now shows the report title and which payrolls have been included in the report.

    • Employee names have been separated into two columns for name and surname.

    • The ID card column has been placed after the name and surname columns.

  • Once a Payslip has been sent to an employee's email, the delivery status updates as expected.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • We have improved the way longer names appear in the Out of Office widget.

  • Any discrepancy amount for entries is shown in the Direct Credits report.

  • The 'Hide basic hours' option in Payslip Settings works as intended.

  • We have replaced the floppy disk save icon with an arrow download icon for downloading files in the Electronic Lodgement.

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