Indigo's 2023 Release Notes
29th December 20231.162.0.0 | Renovated Indigo Suite Menu; add logos to clocking devices; new AgriBank SEPA File; upgrades to HR, Device Manager, and more
14th December 20231.161.0.0 | New! Indigo Suite Ideas Portal; changes to Onboarding and Offboarding, Skills & Training, Presence, Who's In report, and more
30th November 20231.160.0.0 | Several new HR reports; new option in Scheduler View Settings; new device compatibility in Device Manager, and more
20th November 20231.159.0.0 | New! Onboarding & Offboarding; new SEPA file for IFX Payments; changes to Skills & Training, Calendar, and more
3rd November 20231.158.1.0 | Fixes to Leave Heat Map and Leave Situation report
1st November 20231.158.0.0 | Updates to Skills & Training, Device Manager, several messages in Payroll processes; and more
20th October 20231.157.1.0 | New support files in Skills & Training; edit Share Options Tax in Calculation Payslip; change in Activity grid in Device Manager
4th October 20231.156.0.0 | Spotlight on Approval System; changes to BOV SEPA files; new Biometrics filter in Device Manager's My Users; and more
19th September 20231.155.0.0 | New filtering in Attendance Exceptions; new actions in Device Manager's Work Zones; improved Scheduler Publishing permissions
6th September 20231.154.0.0 | Multiple changes to Insights dashboards; public holidays shown on Leave Heat Map; change to Scheduler starting day; and more
28th August 20231.153.0.0 | New progress bar in Notifications; new keyboard shortcuts in the Scheduler; new legend for Scheduler Heatmap; and more
9th August 20231.152.0.0 | New! Work Permit expiry email; new download tools in Payroll History; Clocking Map View changes; Device Manager changes, & more
26th July 20231.151.0.0 | New grouping for various Payroll reports; new heatmap for Scheduler; send and receive data for selected users in Device Managers
12th July 20231.150.0.0 | Weekly birthdays email; calculate Statutory Bonus by % or pro-rata; Off shifts Rewards; new Punches setting in Device Manager
30th June 20231.149.1.0 | Reallocating negative hours; email notifications for Limited Partner leave applications
27th June 20231.149.0.0 | New! Email notification when Basic Pay is edited; download Payslip from Preview; see Clocked Out time clearly; and much more
16th June 20231.148.1.0 | Fixes to Leave Accruals Report, Payroll Detailed Report, changing Payroll Group affecting old Finalised Payrolls
14th June 20231.148.0.0 | Include own leave in Heat Map; Multiple improvements to Device Manager, Scheduler, Who's In report, Clocking Data; and more
9th June 20231.147.1.0 | Devices synchronisation fix
31st May 20231.147.0.0 | Improved behaviour of Users screen; set user access to dashboards in Insights; hours in Payroll Detailed report; and more
16th May 20231.146.0.0 | Changes to the Global Leave Entitlement, Clocking Map View, new option to Clocking Details report; and more
4th May 20231.145.0.0 | New! Net Adjustment Calculator, Clocking Data Map View; insert shift in multiple cells in Scheduler; and more
19th April 20231.144.0.0 | Document Manager goes live; new User Login Audit report; access Scheduled Hours Validation report from the Scheduler; and more
5th April 20231.143.0.0 | New Termination settings, and more
22nd March 20231.142.0.0 | Improvements in Payroll, Basic Pay, Pay Items reports; terminations in Organisation Chart and Scheduler
8th March 20231.141.0.0 | Standardisation of People Insights dashboards; delete terminated employees from Organisation Chart; improvements to VOPS report
28th February 20231.140.1.0 | Fix to Direct Credit report and Pending Leave applications icons
22nd February 20231.140.0.0 | New! Dashboard redesign for People Insights; pending approval entries now greyed out in Out of Office widget; and more
8th February 20231.139.0.0 | New settings for the Costings Calculations; see OFF shifts shown when approving requests in Leave widget; and more
25th January 20231.138.0.0 | Exclude companies from Insights; optimised payslip generation; changes to Attendance and Payroll reports; and more
11th January 20231.137.0.0 | Deduct over 50% tax in employee's Payroll; new alert for approving leave on restricted days; Batch process Attendance Exceptions