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31st May 2023 | Improved behaviour of Users screen; set user access to dashboards in Insights; hours in Payroll Detailed report; and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago


This week's release is heavy on smaller improvements to help make using Indigo even easier, as well as to continue facilitating your work.

In the Platform, there are multiple improvements to the Users screen behaviour.

Over in Insights, administrator users will be pleased to know they can now set individual users' access to the various dashboards. Document Manager has a couple of small visual changes to help you spot restricted documents more easily. The Payroll Detailed report now shows hours when using reallocation costs, and Post Tax Adjustments are now shown in the Employee Salary Package.

Keep reading to learn more.

Platform Fixes and Improvements

  • In the Users screen:

    • Creating a new user via copying and pasting an existing one retains the selected companies as expected.

    • The profile image is no longer included when copying and pasting a user.

    • After editing a user's first name in the Users form, the change is saved as expected.

    • After creating and saving a new user, the new user is able to log in as intended.

  • When logging into Indigo on iPhone, if the browser is unsupported or needs to be updated, Indigo will inform the user and advise them on the next steps to take.

Insights Enhancements

  • Administrators can now choose which Insights dashboards a user can access.

HR Fixes and Improvements

  • When hovering the cursor over an entry in Document Manager, the hover highlight is now blue.

  • The document and lock icons in Document Manager have new colours for better visibility.

Payroll Enhancements

  • When using reallocation of costs in Payroll, hours are now shown in the Payroll Detailed report.

  • We have added a line for Post Tax Adjustments to the Employee Salary Package tool. Post Tax Adjustments are now also included in the Gross Total.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • When navigating from the Leave Request Audit to the Payrolls screen, the page title updates accordingly.

  • In the Global Basic Pay Adjustments Audit, the Lines tab displays as expected.

  • The bonus for employees with reduced hours is worked out pro rata in the Employee Salary Package tool.

  • Uploading attachments in bulk via the Employees screen uploads to Document Manager, as intended.

  • Scrolling in the grid for all Payroll and Leave reports is working as expected.

Quick Fixes and Minor Updates

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