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Skills & Training: My Team, All Employees, and Import-Export
Skills & Training: My Team, All Employees, and Import-Export

Find out how to navigate My Team and All Employees, and how to use the Import-Export section, in the Skills & Training module

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a year ago

Navigating My Team and All Employees

My Team and All Employees use the same grid and have the same tools and actions available.


  • Show terminated employees: toggle this switch to show terminated employees.

  • Filter: apply filters to the grid to help you find things more quickly.

  • Search: type in keywords to quickly find what you need.


To access an employee's Skills & Training dashboard, you can either double-click on their grid entry or click on the arrow at the end of their grid entry.

You can also access an employee's Skills & Training dashboard by clicking the graduation hat button in their HR > Employees screen.

Grid columns: Employee, Company Name, Job Title, Department, Employment Date, Termination Date.


The Import-Export screen is made up of a grid of data, with one tab each for Training, Skills and Languages. The grids show the data collected by the widgets in the Skills & Training Employee Dashboard, and allow users to import into and export from an Excel spreadsheet.

All 3 grids share the same tools (Filter, Export, Import, Search) as well as the following columns: Company Name, Code, Employee, Job Title.


The Import-Export Training tab is the first one and shows all the data in your tenant relating to employees' training and certifications.

Columns unique to the Training grid:

  • Type: Training or Certification.

  • Name: the qualification's full name.

  • Start Date: when the qualification was started.

  • Completion Date: when the qualification was completed.

  • Expiry Date: if applicable, when the qualification is no longer valid.

  • Status: Upcoming, In Progress, Completed, Failed, Cancelled.


The Skills tab is the second one in the Import-Export section, and shows all the data regarding the skills of all the employees in your tenant.

Columns unique to the Skills grid:

  • Skill Name: the skill's full name.

  • Skill Proficiency: the number of stars assigned to the skill representing proficiency.


The third tab in the Import-Export section is Languages, and contains a grid with all the information about employees' language proficiency across your tenant.

Columns unique to the Languages grid:

  • Language Name: the name of the language.

  • Speaking: spoken fluency graded A1-C2.

  • Comprehension: conversational understanding fluency graded A1-C2.

  • Reading: fluency in reading, graded A1-C2.

  • Writing: fluency in writing, graded A1-C2.

Importing data into Skills & Training

  1. Click on the tab you need to access, e.g. Skills.

  2. Press the Import button in the toolbar.

  3. This will open the Import Document(s) modal. Click Download template.

  4. Your browser will download an Excel template.

  5. Open the template and fill in the columns, referring to the sheet named 'Usage' for detailed instructions.

  6. When you have finished, upload the same file back into the modal and click Submit.

The modal will close and the newly imported data will be loaded into the grid.

Exporting data from Skills & Training

  1. Click on the tab you need to access, e.g. Languages.

  2. Press the Export button in the toolbar.

  3. Your browser will download an Excel spreadsheet with the data from your grid.

You can now view and edit your data in the spreadsheet as needed.

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