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6th September 2023 | Multiple changes to Insights dashboards; public holidays shown on Leave Heat Map; change to Scheduler starting day; and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Hello readers!

Here are the highlights to our latest release.

Everyone using the Indigo Employee Portal will be able to spot public holidays easily in the Leave Heat Map, thanks to our latest improvement over in Payroll.

Our Insights users will be delighted to see a raft of small but mighty changes and additions to multiple dashboards that provide them with even more reporting options!

In Attendance, the Scheduler's starting day options now include all weekdays, making it possible to change your Scheduler view to better see your rostering situation. Device Manager admins will see various additions and betterments to My Devices views and functions.

Keep reading to get the juicy details!


  • There are some new additions to the Payroll Costs and Payroll Costs Adjustments dashboards:

    • You can now set your reports via Financial Year End.

    • The month slider has been changed to a dropdown.

    • When drilling the Costs vs Prior Year grid down to a monthly level, the month name has been amended to show the month and year.

    • You can now filter any selected report in the Payroll Cost dashboard.

  • The following reports have been added to the Yearly Trend visuals in the Payroll Costs dashboard: Taxable Payroll Adjustments, Non Taxable Payroll Adjustments (ATA), Total Gross Salaries €, Total Gross € & ATA.

  • In Payroll Costs Adjustments, pay items in the 'Select Payment Item' slicer are now being grouped into taxable and non-taxable.

  • In the Forecasting dashboard, € Change per FTE variable increments now increase by €1 instead of €100.

  • The Headcount age brackets now include 50-59 and 60-64.

  • The default 'by region' Headcount has been switched out for the 'by nationality' headcount.

  • In the Leave Balances dashboard, the Leave Group default has been set to 'Vacation leave'.

HR Fixes and Improvements

  • Employees with a future termination date show as expected when the 'Show terminated employees' toggle is inactive in Document Manager.

  • Users with permission to view and download files in Document Manager can access and download files as expected.

Payroll Enhancements

  • Public holidays are now identified in the Leave Heat Map with a blue underline on the date. Hovering the mouse cursor over the date shows a tooltip with the public holiday's name.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • When approving leave, employees set as General Partners in the Organisation Chart can approve Limited Partners' leave, as expected.

  • The Leave Accruals report handles the new pro-rata bonus calculation when there are no part-time dates, as intended.

  • Multiple payslips can be downloaded via the employee's Payroll History tab when user filters are applied.

  • The SEPA file for Genome Bank has been updated.

Attendance Enhancements

  • It is now possible to change the Scheduler's starting day to any weekday from the Scheduler View Settings.

  • We have several new developments in Device Manager:

    • My Devices: you can now group your devices by Work Zone or by Location.

    • My Devices: the modal for the 'Import Users' function has a handful of improvements:

      • You can now search and filter the grid in the modal.

      • The following message will show when requesting users from a device: 'Activities for importing users are being created. You will be notified once the process is complete.'

      • The Activity grid refreshes automatically after every user import request.

    • My Devices: similarly, the modal for the 'Send Data' function has been improved:

      • We have added search and filter tools to the grid in the modal.

      • The Activity grid refreshes automatically once user data has been sent.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • In the Scheduler, when using the 'Offset starting day' function to enter a shift, the options when choosing a shift pattern have been changed from checkboxes to radio buttons.

  • When importing Device Users into Device Manager, a progress bar will be shown in the Notifications menu.

  • Any Pay Item can be added to the Rules in a Reward, as expected.

  • In the Clocking Details report, the Original Time In and Original Time Out fields are shown as expected for public holiday dates.

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