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4th October 2023 | Spotlight on Approval System; changes to BOV SEPA files; new Biometrics filter in Device Manager's My Users; and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Hello readers,

This week's update contains a spotlight on one of our newer features, released a couple of months back: the Approval System. This feature helps you handle requests more easily, thanks to being able to set flexible rules and multiple approvers, while giving you full visibility and control of the request and approval process.

In Payroll, we have made changes to the BOV SEPA file as per instructions from Bank of Valletta - don't worry, we took care of everything so that you don't have to change anything yourself.

In Attendance, Device Manager admins will be pleased to know you can now set viewing rights for Device Manager users to see device users or employees only for their company, rather than the whole tenant, thanks to a new permission. Users can now filter for biometrics in the grid in Device Manager's My Users screen.

Read on for more details!

Feature Spotlight: The Approval System

The Approval System is an add-on that provides a fully automated system for processing and approving requests, including potentially complex approval criteria.

At the moment, Overtime requests can be handled via the Approval System, with a view to introducing more request-based processes from anywhere in Indigo soon.

Contact Sales on to find out how to get the Approval System add-on for Overtime.

Payroll Enhancements

  • BOV SEPA files are no longer encrypted, and will now be .sct files instead of .scte, as per instructions from Bank of Valletta.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • Having multiple replace Basic Hours in the Payroll Calculation calculates the Basic Pay as expected.

Attendance Enhancements

  • We have added a setting to Overtime in the Approval System that allows employees to choose a Cost Centre when submitting a request.

  • There is a new permission that allows a user to see all the employees or device users available in Device Manager, even if those employees belong to a company the user cannot normally access. When the permission is not set, device users from companies the user does not have access to will not be visible to the user. The permission is: TA_DeviceManagerViewAllUsersPermission.

  • In Device Manager's My Users section, you can now filter the Biometrics columns in the grid, thanks to a new dropdown filter.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • In Target Attendance, when the option for 'Include Daily Excess' is switched on, any overtime reward on unscheduled or OFF shifts is automatically deducted from the total time worked on the unscheduled or OFF shift.

  • The Allocations report has been optimised to give an improved performance.

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