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20th November 2023 | New! Onboarding & Offboarding; new SEPA file for IFX Payments; changes to Skills & Training, Calendar, and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Hi readers,

The Indigo team has been hard at work to present you with a great new addition to our HR component, this week's Feature Spotlight: Onboarding & Offboarding! Say hello to easily keeping track of staff turnover tasks directly within the Indigo platform.

We also have some important additions to the Skills & Training module, particularly in the Import-Export and Setup sections; another addition to an HR feature involves three new calendars in the Calendar screen.

Our Payroll users will be glad to know they can now delete any old or unwanted dashboards they may have created in the Portal; we also have some new system filters in Leave Entitlements, and we have added a SEPA file for IFX Payments.

Get all the details below! ⬇️

Feature Spotlight: Onboarding & Offboarding

The Onboarding & Offboarding add-on, currently in beta, is a feature that helps companies organise and automate tasks in the engagement and/or termination processes that are routinely assigned to employees.

You can find the Onboarding & Offboarding feature in HR > Main > Onboarding & Offboarding.

Contact Sales on to find out how to be one of the first to try out the Onboarding & Offboarding add-on.

Insights Fixes and Improvements

  • In the Summary dashboard, employees born before 1945 are shown as expected in the Headcount by Age Bracket chart.

HR Enhancements

  • The Skills & Training module has several enhancements:

    • Users can now assign multiple employees at a time to Training, Certifications and Skills support files in Setup.

    • In Import-Export, we have added the following fields to the template when importing Training and Certifications:

      • Reference

      • Credits

      • Hours Completed

      • Instructor (Training only)

  • In the Calendar screen, you can now keep track of the start and end dates of your training and certifications from Skills & Training, thanks to three new system calendars:

    • Training and Certifications Calendar: This shows all the training and certification events for all employees.

    • My Training and Certifications Calendar: This shows only the training and certification events for yourself.

    • Subordinates Training and Certifications Calendar: This shows the training and certification events for yourself and your subordinates.

HR Fixes and Improvements

  • Multiple improvements have been made when creating a Training or Certification entry via an employee's dashboard in Skills & Training.

  • The vertical scrollbar and ... button in Document Manager's All Documents screen show as expected at all times.

Payroll Enhancements

  • It is now possible to delete dashboards you created in Indigo.

  • Two new system filters have been added to Leave Entitlements:

    • Active this year: This filter shows only the Leave Entitlements that match the payroll year set in Payroll Settings.

    • Active in previous, current, next year: This filter displays only the Leave Entitlements that fall within one year of the payroll year set in Settings.

  • We have added a SEPA file for IFX Payments.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • Users can now enjoy quicker loading time in general for the Leave widgets in the Employee Portal.

  • Approved leave that occurs on the same day as an employee's termination shows up on the Calendar, as intended.

  • Mutually exclusive settings in the Calculation Settings screen are behaving as expected. As a result, the system is allocating payroll costs as intended based on the user's chosen settings.

  • We have upgraded the performance of the Get Employees API request. As a result, the 'Reporting To' field in the Employees screen will display as expected.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • The following improvements have been carried out in Device Manager:

    • In the Work Zones screen, the grid refreshes as expected when attaching a user to a Work Zone.

    • Users with a termination date set in the future are included in the 'Import Users' modal, as expected.

    • When importing users into Device Manager, any duplicates are now skipped, allowing non-duplicated users to be processed normally.

  • The Scheduler Export report now shows the Occupation code for the Allocated Occupation, instead of the Default Occupation.

  • Setting Break Flexitime in Shift Presets works as intended.

  • When viewing Costings in the Scheduler, Leave is being included in Total Costs as expected.

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