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30th November 2023 | Several new HR reports; new option in Scheduler View Settings; new device compatibility in Device Manager, and more

Marie Claire Saliba avatar
Written by Marie Claire Saliba
Updated over a week ago

Hello readers,

In this update, we have added some important reports to the HR module, related to Birthdays & Anniversaries, Training & Certifications and others. The feature spotlight from the previous update, Onboarding and Offboarding, has also had several enhancements.

Remarks in Payroll now have a more streamlined user experience: more information with less clicks. The UI has also received some improvements.

Explore the release notes in full below! ⬇️

HR Enhancements

  • We have made multiple enhancements to Onboarding & Offboarding.

  • We have added the following new reports to the HR module:

    • Birthdays & Anniversaries

    • Expired Training & Certifications

    • Ongoing Training & Certifications

    • Training & Certifications Starting Soon

    • Training & Certifications Expiring Soon

HR Fixes and Improvements

  • The Search function is working as expected in the Calendar.

Payroll Enhancements

  • You can now view the employee’s contact numbers in an entry's Remarks on the Sick Leave Request Audit.

Payroll Fixes and Improvements

  • Spaces before and after the names and surnames in the Employee screen have been removed. Filters and searches within the HR module are working as expected.

  • The Previous Employment tab in HR > Employees has been improved to show the correct details of the selected employee. You can switch between employees and see their accurate information in the tab.

  • We have refreshed the UI on the SAP Export setup page.

  • When you log back in to Indigo, the Company Selector will automatically choose the company you last used.

Attendance Enhancements

  • We have added a setting to the Scheduler View Settings that merges the data in the first 3 columns into 1 column, allowing more space for the employee's full name and surname to be shown.

  • In Device Manager, the Status column in the Device Activities grid has been split into 2 columns, one for Status and one for Reason.

  • Device Manager has been configured for a new device, model S922.

  • In Overtime Approvals, it is now possible to set rules based on Reason.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • The Clocking Data tooltip in the Scheduler has been resized and repositioned to show better.

  • The Allocation report sends as PDF via email as expected.

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