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Set up Restricted Days

Set Leave Restricted Days for multiple Departments, Cost Centres or Occupations in one take, to prevent β›” leave requests in 'hot' periods πŸ”₯

Serena Santamaria avatar
Written by Serena Santamaria
Updated over 3 months ago

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What are Restricted Days?

Restricted Days are days in which employees working in a particular department, cost centre, or having a specific occupation are restricted β›” from applying for leave.

They are used for implementing stop-leave on certain days. Employees can still apply for leave, but the system will give a warning ⚠️ that the day is a restricted day at application stage and again at approval stage.

Managing Restricted Days

Navigate to Payroll & Leave, select Settings, select Payroll and then Leave from the left menu. Now click on the edit icon ✏️ and choose if you want the restrictions to be applied on 'Department', 'Cost Centre' or 'Occupation' basis from the Restricted Days Selection Type dropdown. Save βœ”οΈ your choice.

πŸ€” Remember

  • When there are active entries in Restricted Days, you will not be able to change the Selection Type value from the settings. You can select only one of the three options for the Selection Type setting, and then create Restricted Days exclusively for that option. You can't have a combination of the three showing as entries in the Restricted Days grid.

    • The current Selection Type is 'Department'.

    • You create a Restricted Day line by navigating to Payroll & Leave > Leave > Restricted Days and clicking on Insertβž•.

    • After creating a Restricted Day entry, you want to change the Selection Type setting from 'Department' to 'Cost Centre' or 'Occupation'. The system will stop you from doing so, as you would have to clear the existing Department restricted entries first.

  • Whenever you change the Selection Type setting (e.g. Cost Centre), the grid in the Restricted Days feature will update according to the selection.

  • Navigate to Payroll & Leave, scroll to the Leave section and click on Restricted Days.

  • Select the Insert βž• button to create a new record line. The page will expand displaying a set of fields. Fill them up and click Save βœ”οΈ when you are ready.

Department Selector

  • 'Filter Departments...' text box: type the Department name you need to have displayed.

  • Tick the needed checkboxes for the Departments you want to be aligned with your restricted days.

  • Hover over the Department Selector section. A cogwheel βš™οΈ will show on its bottom right corner. If you click on it, the following options are displayed:

    • Invert Selection
      ​Select this option to swap the current checkboxes selection.

    • Check All
      Select this option to tick all the checkboxes at once.

    • Uncheck All
      Select this option to untick all the checkboxes at once.

    • Sort (Ascending and Descending)
      Click on Sort and then keep clicking to set the list items either by Ascending or Descending order.

  • Date From: Date from which department employees will not be allowed to take leave.

  • Date To: Date in which the leave restriction ends.

  • Reason: Reason for the restriction.

  • Block Leave Day:

    • If Unticked both Authoriser and Employee will get a warning that this is a Restricted Day before applying/authorising, however the Authoriser can still approve the leave (for emergency purposes).

    • If Ticked the Employee will receive an error and will not be able to apply for leave on the restricted day.

  • Enable Leave Capping (when ticked it shows the fields below)

    • Leave Capping % allows you to specify a percentage of people from the selected Departments (Occupations or Cost Centres) who are allowed to submit a Leave Request in the restricted period.

      πŸ—’οΈ Note
      If you set the cap at 50%, and you have an odd number (e.g. three) of employees in a Department, Cost Centre or Occupation, the system will round up to the nearest decimal. So 50% of three employees, will end up being two.

    • Leave Capping # allows you to set a specific number of people from the selected Departments (Occupations or Cost Centres) who are allowed to submit a Leave Request in the restricted period.

If the Restricted Days grid you can highlight a restricted date or date range by clicking on it, then edit ✏️ or delete πŸ—‘οΈ it by pressing the respective buttons in the toolbar.

You can also check if the Block Leave Day and Enable Leave Capping checkboxes are tick or not and what Leave Capping is applied to that specific Restricted Days entry.

  • Looking at the image above, for the Sales department (e.g. total of 10 people), Leave Capping is enabled at 50%. This means that only half of the people in that department are allowed to request for leave in the specified date range. The sixth person who'll try to request leaves will get an error, due to the 50% Leave Capping and the Block Leave Day checkbox ticked.

  • On the other hand, for the Customer Support department, the Leave Capping is set to 2. This means that only two people from this department are allowed to ask for leave during the restricted period. The third person who will try to apply for leave, will get a warning (Block Leave Day is unticked) saying that the cap limit is reached and that the request might not be approved.

πŸ’‘ Tip:

  • If you input a Restricted period for two Departments (Cost Centres, or Occupations), then two lines will be created in the grid.

  • You can insert a range of Restricted days at once using the Export & Import functionality. πŸ‘‡

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