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29th January 2024 | NEW! Performance Management beta + Earned Leave; On/Offboarding + Skills & Training; better paging in Device Manager, and more

Matthew Calleja avatar
Written by Matthew Calleja
Updated over a year ago

Hello readers,

This update brings you not one, but two Feature Spotlights!

Our first highlight in this update is the beta release of the Performance Management add-on. This streamlined toolset from Indigo Suite enables users to conduct regular performance reviews. This phase of the beta test offers the ability to create review templates and monitor team progress.

The second spotlighted feature is Earned Leave, an addition to our Payroll & Leave module. It lets you assign leave to your employees bit by bit, according to how much time is spent in employment during the year - effectively making leave something employees have earned by time spent working.

The rest of the update brings you several enhancements to HR, Payroll & Leave and Attendance, specifically to Onboarding & Offboarding, Skills & Training, FS3 and Payslip generation and Device Manager.

Note that we have also enhanced our Table of Contents below. Track the progression of your favourite features by clicking on the relevant link. πŸ”—β¬‡οΈ

Feature Spotlights

Performance Management (beta)

Performance Management is a new module that has just been released on beta. It is an add-on in Indigo Suite that serves as a tool to periodically monitor your team’s performance.

This makes the review process more streamlined, efficient, and effective, and helps you achieve targets, identify productivity gaps, and foster growth for both employees and the company.

If you are interested in joining our beta programme, kindly

For more information about the Performance Management module, please

Earned Leave

  • Using our new Earned Leave feature lets you provide salaried employees with their leave balance on a monthly basis, improving overall efficiency and accuracy in managing your employees' leave balances.

Insights Enhancements

  • The amount of data available to Insights users across Indigo Suite has been increased from 3 to 5 years, such as in the Headcount screen.

  • Additional years have been added to the dropdown of affected screens. Note: the leave and sick leave screens have been unaffected by this enhancement.


HR Enhancements

Skills & Training

  • In All Employees and My Team:

    • The 'Hire Date' column has been renamed to 'Employment Date'.

    • We have added a 'Termination Date' column to the grid, which is shown when switching on 'Show Terminated Employees'.

    • When turning on 'Show Terminated Employees', the cells for terminated employees' names will be shown in orange and red for quick identification.

    • You can now click on the cogwheel icon to add or remove columns from the grid.

    • The Search function now works for dates too.

    • The employee image is now shown in the grid entries.

  • In Setup:

    • The Name field has been made longer, fitting more characters.

    • The company dropdown now has an option for 'All Companies'.

    • The Search function allows you to search for any criteria in the grid.

    • The Export function now exports the grid in its present state.

  • In the Employee Dashboard:

    • In the Skills widget, skills are sorted alphabetically and then by star rating.

HR Fixes and Improvements

  • The Employment Duration field updates as expected in the Employee Details screen when entering a Start Date.

Onboarding & Offboarding

  • The filtering behaviour of the grids in My Tasks and All Tasks have been improved.

  • When setting the 'Assign To' field to 'Manager' while creating a template in Setup, you can only save after setting the manager's level from the 'Level' dropdown.

  • Only categories that have not been used in any templates or tasks can be deleted from Setup.

  • In All Tasks, the grid displays as intended when deselecting 'Task Status' from the column selector.

  • The instruction for uploading a document to a task has been reworded to 'At least one document needs to be uploaded in order to complete the task.'.

  • The Task Templates screen now loads right away every time.

Skills & Training

  • When opening a support file from Setup, the top section's layout has been adjusted to make better use of space.

Payroll & Leave Enhancements

  • The system has been updated to detect changes in employee codes that occur between the time a user first generates an FS3 or payslip and the time they regenerate it.

    • This ensures that the correct FS3 or payslip is issued for the correct employee code link, even if the user has switched the employee codes in the meantime.

Payroll & Leave Fixes and Improvements

  • For calculations relating to sick leave, sick benefits are not deducted when an employee takes unpaid sick leave (SNP - Sick No Pay), as intended.

  • Data filtering in the Heat Map has been enhanced.

  • When generating the JobsPlus Employment Report, the system automatically updates information in Part 3: Details of the Employer, according to how it was updated in Payroll & Leave > Main > Settings > Payroll > Employer Settings.

  • Users may download multiple payslips at once without issue.

Attendance Enhancements

  • Two new buttons have been added to the Clocking Widget in the Employee portal, allowing users to start and end their lunchbreaks from within the portal itself. Note: users must be clocked in to start their break, otherwise, the Start Break button will not show in the widget.

Device Manager

  • Paging has been added to both the Import Users and Send Data modals (accessed from the dropdown in My Devices > Additional Info > Functions), displaying up to 50 users per page.

  • We have added new functions for punching devices which will allow you to update the Punch State Ids of your devices more easily and efficiently. They work in the following two scenarios:

    1. Work Zone update: When you update the work zone settings from the Work Zones screen, the function will update the Punch State Ids on each of the devices.

    2. Device Manager update: When updating the Punch State Id settings in the Device Manager Settings screen, the function will update:

      1. Any devices that are not currently in any Work Zone

      2. Any devices that are in a Work Zone that does not have its Punch State Id settings altered.

  • Another function has been developed for ZKTeco devices which will update the days and times for the access time period. This ensures that users can clock in and out without triggering a "Failed to verify" issue.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • When clicking Add a new device in Device Manager, the device serial number is not auto-filled based on leftover data from previous operations, and is ready to be manually inputted as expected.

  • Bell and email notifications in the Scheduler are sent when an admin publishes, unpublishes, deletes and updates a shift. Notifications will be sent to affected employees if the user checks the Notify affected employees option while updating a shift.

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