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9th February 2024 | NEW! HR settings section, Bradford Factor, supported devices in Device Manager; more HR notifications, and more

Matthew Calleja avatar
Written by Matthew Calleja
Updated over a year ago

Hello readers,

We’re excited to share our enhanced Insights features. This update introduces the Bradford Factor for Sick Leave sorting and improved headcount reporting for better differentiation between full-time and part-time employees.

Our HR improvements include a new dedicated settings page, which hosts among other things our settings for all new Onboarding & Offboarding and Skills & Certifications notifications.

In Attendance, we’ve upgraded the Device Manager, improving Work Zones functionality and adding SpeedFace-V5L and ZKTeco’s ProFace X to our supported devices.

We’ve also made aesthetic enhancements to the Ideas Portal, improved reporting in Payroll & Leave and Attendance, and set up a new Finductive Ltd SEPA file.

Read on for more details! ⬇️


  • We have beautified the User Created popup in the Ideas Portal.

Insights Enhancements

  • In Sick Leave Analysis, we have added the functionality to sort employees by the Bradford Factor.

    • The Bradford Factor is a time-tested method for HR to keep track of sick leave occurrences and spot patterns that may highlight a need for further investigation.

    • It is calculated using the formula S² x D = Bradford Factor.

      • S is the number of disconnected instances that an employee was sick.

      • D is the number of sick days an employee has accrued over a 52-week period.

  • In Headcount, we added an extra bracket to Weekly Hours to improve reporting for employees that work 40 hours. This change helps better distinguish between full-time and part-time employees.

    • Now, the highest two brackets display:

      • 31-39

      • 40 or more

HR Enhancements

  • We have added a shortcut for Settings to HR, and a section for HR within Settings itself.

  • We have included notifications for probation periods and contract expirations. These can be configured in HR > Settings > Employee Settings.

Onboarding & Offboarding

  • Numerous improvements have been made to the Notifications feature, including more precise notification triggers.

  • Users can set up two notifications to be sent to the assignee prior to a task’s due date.

    • These notifications can be enabled and configured from a new menu called HR in Settings. Head to Task notification, click Edit and configure the settings as desired. Do not forget to click Save when done.

  • When using the import Excel template to upload a list of employees, you can specify which employees are being onboarded for the first time.

  • The template now includes two columns: Onboarding and Offboarding. By entering ‘true’ in the Onboarding column for any employee and uploading the file, you will initiate the onboarding process for those employees.

Skills & Training

  • In HR > Settings > Training & Certifications, settings have been added to configure notifications sent to employees concerning training and certifications starting and expiring soon.

  • In Training and Certification entries, the Status will now change automatically based on the start and completion dates.

HR Fixes and Improvements

  • The character length of the Name field for Training and Certification entries has been increased.

Onboarding & Offboarding

  • The column for Task Category Name is showing as expected in all grids.

  • The system will warn you if you try to assign a task to an employee who is not linked to a user on Indigo.

  • Files exported from My Task and All Tasks have been renamed as 'ExportTasks'.

Performance Management Fixes and Improvements

  • When you update the tags of a question in the Templates section, and that question is being used in multiple templates, the updates will apply to every instance of that question across all templates.

  • In the same section, naming a new template the same as a recently deleted template does not trigger a 'name already exists' error.

Payroll & Leave Enhancements

  • There are the following enhancements concerning SEPA files:

    • A SEPA file has been setup for Finductive Ltd.

    • The MeDirect SEPA file has been updated as was required.

Earned Leave

  • When Earned Leave is enabled from Payroll & Leave > Settings > Payroll > Leave, leave authorisers can determine the employee’s remaining earned leave by positioning the cursor over the leave request.

  • A column displaying the balance for earned leave has been added to the Leave Entitlements screen, visible whether accessed from HR > Employees > Leave Entitlements, Payroll & Leave > Leave Entitlements, or when the user is applying for leave from the Portal. For this column to show, you will need to have enabled Earned Leave for your company.

Payroll & Leave Fixes and Improvements

  • The Leave Accruals report is taking into consideration leap years accordingly.

  • The Leave Heat Map accurately displays remote work as a work day, rather than as leave. A Working Remotely check box has been added to the map to toggle the view of such work days, as desired.

  • The system check that occurs between FS3 / Payslip generation and regeneration (confirming employee codes are correct) has been enhanced to process much faster.

Attendance Enhancements

  • We have updated the capitalisation of feature names in our Attendance menu for consistency with our style guidelines.

  • A new feature has been added to the Attendance Reconciliation report called ‘Exclude Excess Time in Difference’. If you select this option, the report will no longer include Excess Time when calculating the Difference column.

Device Manager

  • When devices are linked or unlinked to a Work Zone, additional activities will be generated (besides adding or deleting users).

    • If a device is unlinked from a work zone, activities will be created to adjust the punch state IDs based on the device manager settings.

    • Similarly, when a device is linked to a work zone, activities will be created to adjust the punch state IDs according to the settings of the associated work zone.

  • The SpeedFace-V5L has been added to the list of device types in My Devices.

    • This device operates similarly to the Speedface V4L, which is already present in the list, but differs in two main ways: its physical size; its additional capability to process fingerprints for biometric identification.

  • Device Manager now supports ZKTeco's ProFace X, and can be chosen when adding a new device in My Devices.

    • The Pro Face X device operates in a manner akin to the SpeedFace devices, but is distinct from the V4 and V5 models. Unlike the V5, it does not support fingerprint recognition. Instead, it utilizes palm and facial features for biometric identification. This is in addition to card and password methods.

  • We have created a new report called Device Uptime, which details records of any offline time for a clocking device.

Attendance Fixes and Improvements

  • Clock ins and clock outs are corrected according to the in and out tolerance range.

  • Users are fully able to manually enter the date, or pick from the date picker, in the Dashboard's Scheduler widget.

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